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Education Connection
Preschool Pg.3

Jumpstart your toddler’s education

Whether your child goes to a day-care center or other provider during the days or you’re one of those lucky parents who can be home with their child, as the parent you will play the most important role in that child’s early education. Here are some tips to help jumpstart their learning.

1. Choose children’s books with large print words and extremely clear pictures.
This will help your child to understand what they are seeing and to learn to read words. Many children's books have very small words and very complicated pictures

2. Buy alphabet letters for bathtub use and make a new word every time your child is in the bathtub. Buy magnetic ones for refrigerator.
Your child will begin to make the connection between spoken and written language.

3. Read to your child every day.
Read with emotional expression, as if you were in a dramatic play.

4. Use repetition.
Some parents get frustrated when a child wants a book read three times in a row, but this is an essential part of how children process information.

5. Purchase computer software for toddlers.
The software will often employ keyboard skills, since it is difficult for many children to use a mouse before the age of two and a half.

6. Purchase early learning materials.
There are books, videos, cassettes, and learning materials to teach your toddler how to read, how to do math, and how to gain encyclopedic knowledge.

7. Purchase computer software for toddlers.
The software will often employ keyboard skills, since it is difficult for many children to use a mouse before the age of two and a half.

8. Remember that your child's physical education is directly linked to his academic education.

Research shows that brain development is directly linked to physical activity, such as crawling before the age of one

Toddlers have a greater ability to acquire new skills and information than children who are 5, 6, or 7 years old. Research indicates that introducing reading, language, and math skills in the toddler years may make school success come more easily to your child for years to come.
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