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Windward, Carriacou, Grenada - At the end of February 2005 in the Carriacou village of Windward an historical event took place, the launching of a traditional wooden sailing yacht. This much awaited launch was the culmination of 7 months of hard work by the Master Shipwright Mr Alwin Enoe who designed and built this yacht together with his team that included Bonnie Stewart and his own sons Carl and Christopher Enoe. Alwin Enoe is a renown shipwright who learnt his trade from Leo Crompton, Zephrine McLawrence and Gordon Patrice. His main inspiration and love of the craft came from Jassie Compton whom he spent time with in his early twenties. Mr Enoe designed and built Summer Wind in 1974 which is still seen these days racing the classic regatta circuit in the islands. Final preparations were completed early Sunday morning before the arrival of the local priest who blessed the vessel and all that would sail upon her before climbing onboard to spread holy water on the deck. The owner, Alexis Andrews and his family gathered for the ceremony on the aft deck and unveiled the name of the yacht, Genesis. Keeping with tradition a fowl was sacrificed on the forward deck as part of the ancient ceremony. The hull was gradually lowered onto its side by cutting down of the shores. Five men with axes chopped the bottom of the props until the boat gradually came to rest on its side. The team filled the keel bolt holes that had previously been inaccessible. The lead-filled keel will give greater stability when sailing and a particular advantage over the fleet when racing. The overall length is 40 feet with a beam of 12 feet and the draft 5 feet. The wooden boat building tradition in Carriacou is traced back to 1833 when Benjamin Compton, the first known shipwright came from England. The direct descendants from this family have continued building boats, though the heyday was certainly in the 1920’s and 30’s. In 2003 the 65 foot schooner Jambalaya was launched which was based on the hand carved design of Jassie Compton and built by the same master shipwright, Alwin Enoe at the slipway in Tyrrel Bay. As the ropes were brought into position, the anchor set out in the bay, with block and tackles tied tight to secure the bow, everyone joined in to haul on the lines leading up the hillside. Music played by the Windward String Band added to the wonderful party atmosphere and special occasion that was unfolding. The launch was far from smooth and a few anxious moments were felt when the back line holding the yacht from forward motion broke and the yacht shot forward on its own momentum. As it settled on the shore line the many helpers were on hand to push her slowly over the ledge so she was floating free and the champagne bottle could be broken on her bow. It was a most memorable event for all. Contact:Jacqui Pascall 473-439-1000 email:


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