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GEORGE TOWN, Cayman Islands: "June too soon, July standby, August come you must, September remember, October all over." For generations, this childhood rhyme has echoed the impact of hurricane season on Caribbean people. Last year's storms devastated lives in parts of the region, but also highlighted the strength, spirit and courage of Caribbean communities. To honor these communities and to help prepare for the 2005 season, Cable & Wireless has launched the Be Prepared. We Care! hurricane preparedness campaign, running June 25 through September. "In the past, we've done all we can to help communities when the storms hit - providing our offices as shelters, supplying relief materials, and of course, maintaining our networks for communication," said Len de Barros, COO, Cable & Wireless Caribbean. "This year we are also going to help people prepare before the hurricanes approach, minimizing risks to their safety and property." Be Prepared. We Care! consists of four programs: Storm Stories, a 13-episode television series designed to provide valuable tips for preparing homes and communications plans well in advance of a storm. Programs include messages from Brian Lara and are produced by Caribbean Media Corporation. Airing begins July 15 cross the Caribbean. Heroes Of Ivan - an eighty-page hard cover "coffee table" book celebrating the heroism and courage displayed by members of the community - many of them Cable & Wireless employees -- while serving the region last year. The book was launched at an all-day Hurricane Preparedness workshop for members of the media from across the Caribbean, organized by CDERA, OPDEM, CMC, and Cable & Wireless. Heroes of Ivan will be distributed to local governments, libraries and schools throughout the Caribbean. Cable & Wireless Spirit - to help employees prepare for hurricane season, Cable & Wireless is proud to offer a new Homeowner's Insurance benefit program, kicking off July 1. Additionally, in recognition of the important contribution the people at Cable & Wireless make to the region's ability to cope with dangerous storms, employees will have the opportunity to nominate their colleagues as this season's "Local Heroes." Hurricane Retail Offers - to encourage preparedness amongst the general public, Cable & Wireless will offer a special bMobile Hurricane Pack in stores, free with purchase of any Motorola handset from July 18th while supplies last. The pack contains a first aid kit, rain poncho, flashlight and waterproof backpack. Hurricane Preparedness tips and a Storm Tracking Map will be available from Cable & Wireless offices and retail locations throughout the region. This year, Cable & Wireless will once again take the lead in ensuring that customers are able to connect quickly with loved ones in the event of a storm. Be Prepared. We Care! highlights Cable & Wireless' passion to remain the best network in the region. "Last season, we proved to be the only reliable wireless network on the islands - it's that simple. There is no question that our networks out-performed the competition," said Julio Bran, Executive Vice President, Network Services for the Caribbean. "Our mobile networks are a crucial means of communication for families, friends, emergency workers and governments. We haven't let our customers down in the past and we will work tirelessly to ensure that we deliver the best service possible throughout the upcoming season. For evidence of this commitment, one need only refer to the book, Heroes of Ivan!" Reprinted from Caribbean Net News


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