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PORT OF SPAIN, Trinidad: Investigators in Trinidad are continuing their probe into an explosion just outside of Maraj Jewellers at the corner of Frederick and Queen Streets, Port of Spain, in the heart of the city's shopping district on Monday afternoon. According to security officials, Monday's explosion blew a small hole in the window of the jewelry store and a revolving door was twisted by the power of the blast. Police say the incident is not being considered as the work of terrorists, adding that the explosive was the kind that could be made from home ingredients such as ammonium nitrate. Cell phones along with regular telephones went dead right after Monday's explosion. However, officials at the Telephone Service of Trinidad and Tobago (TSTT) Corporate Communications Department said that the systems were jammed, blaming this on over-usage of the network and not the shutdown of the system as some thought. As a precautionary measure, the city, especially the business sector, was closed but business is expected to continue as usual on Tuesday. Meanwhile, health authorities told Caribbean Net News that fifteen persons were injured, two of them seriously. One lost a leg and the other is in what doctors called a "critical" condition. A national security source told Caribbean Net News that, according to the police, the explosion occurred when a homeless man, who was reportedly rummaging through a garbage bin, picked up the device but dropped it. Traffic police told Caribbean Net News that the explosion created "chaos" and extra units had to be marshalled as people began heading out of the city in a mass exodus, resulting in a bumper to bumper traffic jam. Reprinted from Caribbean Net News


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