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St. John´s, Antigua, Jun 20 (Prensa Latina) Antigua and Barbuda"s Minister of Tourism, Harold Lovell, will chair a new sub-committee of the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO) that will examine the current difficulties being faced by regional airlines. Lovell, who also has responsibility for civil aviation in Antigua, will be joined by his tourism colleagues from Grenada, Brenda Hood and Barbados" Noel Lynch as well as McHale Andrew, research and development consultant with the Caribbean Regional Sustainable Tourism Development Programme, reported Caribbean Media Organization (CMC). "I am honoured to have been issued the mandate to lead a team comprising of my regional colleagues to develop policies that will steer one of the critical components of the tourism industry," Lovell said. The decision was taken at the 43rd meeting of the Board of Directors of the CTO, held recently in New York. CTO said that regional tourism ministers and senior tourism officials had discussed the proposed air transportation study to be financed by the European Union, through its Caribbean Regional Sustainable Tourism Development Programme. "A sub- committee headed by Antigua and Barbuda and which includes Grenada and Barbados, was appointed to review a previous study conducted in 2001 to determine if it can be updated and, if it can"t, the sub-committee will look at terms of reference for a new study," CTO added. It said the new study comes in the wake of the problems being faced by the international airline industry since the terrorist attacks on the United States in 2001, adding "for the Caribbean regional airlines, things are no better". Reprinted from prensa latina


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