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A top health official here is reporting a rise in the number of reported HIV casesfor the first six months of the year. Director of the National Infectious Disease Control Unit, Dr. Alister Antoine, said the recording of new cases is a result of the ongoing government initiatives, such as the Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) programme. "There is no doubt that some of the cases being diagnosed this year were influenced by the ongoing VCT programme, which encourages persons to take the test so they can become aware of their HIV status," Dr. Antoine said. Reprinted from


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123 Pgs
Well, I am confused. The Government is doing quite a lot, in my opinion, to educate the population about the dangers of unprotected sex and HIV? AIDS. Teachers go so far as to teach these things in the schools. Choosing to have or not to have sex in today's world is a 'personal choice', unfortunately, so many of our people behave like sexual deviants and do not take heed to the warnings. What do you guys propose that the NNP do? Get the police to arrest people for having unprotected sex? A few persons are blinded with hatred for the NNP and they blame them for everything and anything. All you people who are criticizing, what are you doing to help address the situation? Will voting a party out of office led to people making better decisions about sex? While I am on that, the grass around my house is growing fast with the recent rains, I must lead a demonstration to get the NNP to cut it for me!
00By: patriot
7/10/2007 7:05:30 PM
you people blame the government its not the government fault its you dirty people who go and have sex without protection should the PM be there to say yow dont have sex with x,y or z or even say John Doe use a condom with Tracy Smith i dont think so you people should be educated enough to no the concequences off unprotected sex because its not 4 kids so the few young one who have sex should learn from the adults come on people fix up.
00By: Troy Bartholomew
7/9/2007 4:28:29 PM
Why is everyone blaming the government. People are responsible for their lives and if they fail to take the necessary precautions concerning their lives. Don't know if contraceptives are still free in grenada if they are not they should still be for people who can't afford it. But at the end of the day people need to take the steps to avoid these probolems. I'm sure everyone knows if you have unprotected sex you can get aids.
00By: marlene
7/9/2007 5:16:08 AM
As a fellow Grenadian, I too am shocked at this rapid rate, however, why do we blame the foreigners? This is the time for our nation to step up; to educate and instill in our poeple that they too have a responsibilities to protect themselves. This is the consequences of their own actions, not the foreigners. Government needs to implement some type of program that would target the age group where this ratio is most rampant and that program should have professional counselors that would protect the privacy of these individuals. Mr K needs to spend more money sphere-heading better doctors and health programs in our country
00By: Sandforest
7/9/2007 12:24:18 AM
Well, Well. It's a real shame to see what our small island became. Everyone seems to be blaming someone else. People do not catch HIV by walking close to someone or talking to them. It's a sexually transmitted disease. Our young men and women need to be more educated about the disease and stop getting caught up. Our country is in bad shape, no doubt. We all need to come together and do something about it. We're the ones who give the NNP party the leadership, if they're the problem then do what's right, vote for a change. If there is any corruption in the voting polls call for a different system. If we sit around and complain, trust me nothing would change. We are the people, we are responsible, therefore we need to do something. Power and Money goes hand in hand, but a family that prays together stays together. We are all families lets work for a change. GOD BLESS.
00By: Hazel Regis
7/8/2007 7:44:05 PM