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A top health official here is reporting a rise in the number of reported HIV casesfor the first six months of the year. Director of the National Infectious Disease Control Unit, Dr. Alister Antoine, said the recording of new cases is a result of the ongoing government initiatives, such as the Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) programme. "There is no doubt that some of the cases being diagnosed this year were influenced by the ongoing VCT programme, which encourages persons to take the test so they can become aware of their HIV status," Dr. Antoine said. Reprinted from


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123 Pgs
as a grenadian, it is very disapointed to know that the NNP led by DR. Keith is governing our spice island in this way. the state of the health of the peoples is terrible,the state of our rich land is cover in bushes,grenadians we have to wake up and take a firm stand against the kind of government.All the Dr.K is doing is making our island and people see real hell.Just looking at him you can see evil in his eyes.WE CAN TAKE SO MUCH FOR SO LONG.
00By: ben
7/7/2007 5:43:58 PM
Foreighners come here because they are invited here,,,both male and female prostitution is on the rise...which include a large amount of foreighners...thanks to Hi5.
00By: lucifer
7/7/2007 11:33:16 AM
Its sad to know hiv is on the rise in grenada ,,but its not surprising ,and was expecting ,the country recently has become a safe heaven for all kinds of foriengers ,who for some reasons are not question by immigration,and while there in the country has much more rights than grenadians ,we rely on importing ,so we import everything possible ,including drugs ,diseases ,criminals ,and counterfeiters ,when will grenadians wake up and reclaim their country from those who dont give a darm about the wellfare of others but for themselves ,the signs are all there why dont you acknowledge the warning and do something before its to late ,wake up grenadians ,,
00By: kipling .francis
7/7/2007 8:52:46 AM