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On Thursday night Prime Minister Keith Mitchell announced adjustments in Grenada’s government in an address to the nation. The changes affected ministerial portfolios and the make-up of the senate. Mitchell attributed the appointments in part to a “promise to give members of the team different opportunities from time to time.” Changes in the Cabinet Clarice Modeste to become Minister of Foreign Affairs (previously Minister of Health) Nikolas Steele to become Minister of Health (previously Minister of Foreign Affairs) Alexandra Otway-Noel to become Minister of Implementation in the Prime Minister’s Office (previously Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation) Yolande Bain-Horsford to become Minister of Tourism and Civil Aviation (previously without a cabinet portfolio) Oliver Joseph to have added portfolio of International Business (currently Minister of Economic Development) Senator Brenda Hood to have additional responsibility for National Lottery Authority (currently Minister of Culture) Changes in the Senate Senator Simon Steill elevated to Leader of Government Business in the Senate Peter David to become Senate member (replacing Kenny Lalsingh) Chester Humphrey to become a member of the Senate (replacing the retiring Dr. Lawrence Joseph) The Prime Minister stated that Dr. Joseph has agreed to be an advisor to the parliament and the Cabinet and will continue to serve as Deputy to the Governor General. The moves will reportedly take effect December 1.


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When one looks at the recent P.M.reshuffle,it is quite clear that this man is a vindictive and spiteful man, i say so because the one bright spark in that miserable NNP Government Mrs AO Noel who some would say was doing a not too bad a job given the tools she had at her disposal,and is now replaced with someone who was pass over for a ministrial post the first time round ,and what does that say i beg the question for some might say that she Mrs AONoel was too smart for that bunch of egotists and right wing make believers now running our beautiful little Grenada into a one party state with King Claudius and his two lap dogs Peter David and That union man Bro turn coat Chester Humphrey now in the senate sitting or got there as a result of service rendered to King Claudius Mitchell NNP ,as for the demotion of That Lady from St Mark (the Minister of-Chick-V-ah doh have a cure) health ministry she is now put in charge of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Lord,well maybe now she can check out the Chiness and other foreign Governments in seeking out financial aid to assist in the redevelopment of St.Marks especially Victoria for that place is a ghost town with its people on their knees begging for help for i can remember Victoria was one of the most Vibrant parishes with various shops ,drinks making factories with several business like minded people,a vibrant cocoa and nutmeg pool going back as far as 45 years ago ,yes some would say that times and people has change but here is my take for that lady has been representing that parish for nearly 20 odd years and some of our people is now depending on government handouts to make ends meet with no real jobs and here is an example how things have stand still for example that large unfinish building which was meant to be an up to date medical plus learning centre and which was started under her reign (during her time in Government)and is located on the left hand side opposite the SDA Church on your way out of Victoria into River sallee,this building is still standing in its shell,as for that used car sales man who was given the post of Minister of Foreign Affiars Minister previously is now demoted and i guess like peter david and Gilbert, Keith may have found out that he Steele was getting to big for his boots hence the chop and into the lady from St.Mark Job as health Minister lord Grenada nice so for we now have a car salesman as minister of health and again maybe the Pm thought Steele was really a mechanic who can fix things that the lady from St Mark could not fix hence giving him the position of Minister of health,and as the Great sam Cook said in one of his Songs A CHANGE IS AH COMING,being delivered under the NNP one man party style. Grenada nice so.
331By: Gabe
11/17/2014 7:35:37 AM