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Budget day in Grenada is November 26. A release from the Ministry of Finance and Energy, which is headed by Prime Minister Dr Keith Mitchell, confirmed the presentation, starting at 10 a.m. The release said the budget would highlight some of the achievements of Government for 2014 and the plans and programmes for 2015 and beyond. The theme for the 2015 Budget is: “Maintaining Fiscal Discipline, Creating Jobs and Protecting the Vulnerable”, reflecting the priorities identified by government for economic growth and stabilisation. As part of the preparation process, the Ministry of Finance held consultations with all ministries, government departments and the social partners; including civil society, the labour unions, business community, churches, and selected interest groups including farmers. Source: nation news


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Lord as we approach budget day tomorrow please lord spare a thought for those in our country who on that fateful day last February 2013 was charmed by the snake charmer and his proposed rescue bunch and our people voted for the return of the massive borrowing green party ,lord little did our people know that they were jumping from to quote (the frying pan and into the Fire of massive taxes ,more borrowing ,large unemployment especially within our middle income earners and our youths,and lord come tomorrow we will again be charmed by the chief charmer himself once againg promising our unsuspected people milk and honey but at what cost lord for only a few weeks ago the poor and standard once again down graded Grenada again of the party led by the chiefman himself,the financial officer,the chief security officer,the damn money is mine man yes Mr Kcm himself the Prime Minister of Grenada,lord our people will be told that everything in the Botanic Garden is coming up roses and that it is the opposition and their (Telling The Truth)supporters who is mis-representing the truth of what is really happening in Grenada and tomorrow all sorts of goodies will be on display ,there will be Road building,money for this and money for that including more money for the Imani programm all good stuff,but here is the Million Ec Dollar question as to who and how are we going to pay for all these goodies and at what cost to our already high taxes and financial burden people. lord in your mercy hear our prayer for come tomorrow the snake charmer will be at his best with his Magic blaming everything on others except he and his Government mis management of our country economy and on false promises to win that election last February.
90By: gabe
11/25/2014 11:44:47 AM
Yes ,budget day came the man stood up ,the acting was good as always ,the shifting,and playing on words was good because he knows his supporters like to hear him rant and rave and yet we were still waiting to hear that billion dollar investent cat out of the bag,surprise not me because the magic man forgot the rabbit and his magic baton at the Botanic Garden,but credit to him he did mention or name calling ,like Sandals,CCC,Imani and also said things like the unemplyment figures is falling,and yes we were still awaiting that billion dollars investment programm ,where the hell is the money coming from to pay for all this good news talk,where are the new investors,well i guess that seeing that Hamilton having just won the F1 championship he will come and invest some of his millions,but will he be paying his fair share of Taxes,like the already over burdened poor tax payers in grenada you bet not,oh what was i saying about that Budget? is there going to be more taxes on our already hard press tax payers ah hear you saying,we will just have to wait and see.
By: gabe
11/27/2014 7:37:55 AM
Date line news 20/11/14 With the impending November Budget due on the 26/11/14 it is right to highlight some of the happenings currently taking place under our current political make up here in Grenada especially under KCM Political Watch,and it is this ,it was recently reported that an individual who was working for the Grenada National Lottery Authority and a very strong supporter of the KCM Government was caught with his hands in the cookie jar(overpaying himself by 1800EC per month) ,and when confronted at first denied the allegation quote because he did not want to shame the NNP/Party ,but later owned up and wait for it ,it is now claimed that he later wrote a cheque as a pay back ,but how much and how long was this fraud going on and how many more fraudsters in that company was lining their pockets,the plot thickens as for that individual it is now claimed that he has since left the GNLA and is now employed by ,wait for it the Ministry of Tourism and Aviation ,lord Grenada nice so for let it be known that in any other country bar some that fraudster would be charge with theft from an employer and would not be trusted with anything to do the handling of money in or out of Government ,and the question is who the hell is checking these individual credibility to hold such post and where is this Government checks and transparency processes, Lord is it any wonder why our country doors is left open by this KCM Government to let in all types of crooks and con-men when some of these fraudsters is right here under our very nose working in high places lining their pockets with their dirty hands,and no wonder the Standard And Poor Governing Body has once again down graded our performance in not meeting our financial obligation to repay our creditors, Lord Grenada nice so and some say it could only happen in Grenada and one begs this question as to what examples are we,and that includes Government to eradicates these criminal wrong doings by persons while employed in Government,the Public or private sectors,what examples are we as a people setting for our youths who we hope will some day be our leaders of tomorrow, Lord why Grenada, Mr Mitchell please wake up and ask your Minister of Tourism as to how and why and on what grounds was this ex-GNLA person employed by the Ministry of Tourism ,was it for service granted to the NNP Party.
191By: gabe
11/24/2014 7:58:24 AM