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After being devastated by Hurricane Ivan last year, Grenada is about to be hit by Hurricane Emily. CrisisShield is a non-profit organisation helping the one-third of the population who are still homeless. (PRWEB) July 13, 2005 -- After 49 years without hurricanes, Grenada is about to be hit by two in ten months. On 7th September, 2004 Grenada was absolutely devastated by Hurricane Ivan. During the evening of Wednesday, 13th July, 2005, Grenada is expecting to be hit again by Hurricane Emily. According to figures prepared by the IMF and ARD (Grenadian Agency for Reconstruction and Development), the financial impact of Hurricane Ivan was: * four times more devastating than the Tsunami was for the Maldives, * fifty-five times worse than for Sri Lanka, * and had an incredible one-hundred and twenty-five times more impact than the average natural disaster of the last thirty years. In financial terms, the damage now stands at more than US$1 billion or more than US$10,000 for every man, woman and child on Grenada. This equates to 250% of Grenada’s GDP. With close to 100% of the population affected, the extent of the damage was unimaginable. 90% of homes were severely damaged with one-third being damaged beyond repair. Grenada is a small country of only 90,000 people. 10,000 families, or 30,000 men, women and children, remain homeless today. Many more live in homes hurriedly pulled together from hurricane debris. If soon to be Hurricane Emily hits or comes as close to Grenada as expected, the ranks of the homeless will swell as these temporary shelters are blown away. CrisisShield is the only non-profit organisation building homes for the homeless. They have the ability to build new homes for fifteen families per week, but like most other disaster areas around the world, they are in need of donations. The sheer scale of the Tsunami drew massive support from around the globe, but this sadly left many other deserving areas desperately under-funded. CrisisShield houses are built to withstand category four hurricanes. Taking only three weeks to erect, they provide a safe solution to an urgent problem quickly. CrisisShield was born after Hurricane Ivan specifically to help the homeless in Grenada, and is a group of three non-profit organisations formed in Canada, the UK and US. Apart from Grenadians, some of whom are employed as part of CrisisShield’s objectives to increase employment on the island, all of their staff are volunteers. This means that 95% of all donations will go directly into providing homes. If you would like to support the people of Grenada please visit CrisisShield’s website at www.CrisisShield.Org.


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