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The Grenada National Organisation for Women (GNOW) has described as "horrifying", a case in which three young men have been charged in connection with a sexual offence involving a 13-year-old secondary schoolgirl. The matter has attracted national attention, not just because crimes like these are rare or rarely reported here, but because the mother of one of the men, 20-year-old Craig Joseph, is the country's Social Development Minister Yoland Bain Horsford and his father is Speaker of the House of Representatives, Larry Joseph. The other two accused are Shameel LalGie, 21, and Troy Andrew, 26. A Magistrate's Court last Thursday granted bail to the three men. They are ordered to reappear in court sometime this week to answer a charge of defiling two females, ages 13 and 14. Reprinted from


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After reading some of the comments about this situation,a few things disturb me.First,some people are questioning the credibility of the females,and some are questioning a political issue.What we all seem to be forgetting is that an accusation was made and the police and the courts have to do their jobs.Regardless to what the motives may or may not have been,there are families involved here.I say we all give the police and the courts time to solve this case.In the meantime,i hope this case will open the eyes of everyone in Grenada about these problems that have been around for years.Lets all put the politics away and concentrate on a serious problem facing Grenada.
00By: John a.k.a. stallion
12/11/2007 9:35:51 AM
" sex crime shocks Grenadians " the understatement of our generation and beyond are you people sleepwalking ? this has been part of our way of life for as long as i have known ,its not acceptable but we have always turned the otherway just waiting for it to blow over .TEACHERS WITH STUDENTS . POLICEMEN WITH SCHOOLGIRLS . FATHERS WITH DAUGHTERS ,STEPDAUGHTERS . these and more our trusted lawmen commit these crimes and migrate without fear of being persued nor shamed for their offence while these young ladies deal with the stigma of being violated for the rest of their life without any support from the community because as we say"she look for it " Now here we go three young men allegedly charged with a grevious crime and because of one young mans family political affiliations the story is been wowed like wildfire . Totally shameless what about those teenage underage girls who have been the victims here can we be a little sensitive on how we discuss this and dont behave like youre shocked . You are a liar if you say so .
00By: gorgon
12/11/2007 8:02:29 AM
it sad ,to even hear of such thing happening in the country ,but so it has always been ,unreported .as for your comment objectively subjectively. read it again and you would see ,you are selectively ,bias ,because of your political belief ,which is quiet evident .
00By: francis
12/11/2007 6:38:49 AM
Grenadian abroad , what are you telling me .? you mean we are so evil in Grenada that they say three people comit a dispicable crime and you say " what if it is a fabrication to undermine the parents of one of the individuals" so you telling me the others don't have parents that could be undermined I think I'll just wait to hear exactly what the outcome is on their next appearance..
00By: Alfonso
12/10/2007 11:27:33 PM
i think we need to be careful to not let public opinion influence too much in the determination of a verdict in this case. It's one thing to say "yeah i find they guilty" and it's yet another to allow such thoughts to totally corrupt our abilities to be objective...lives are at stake here...and only with due caution can we avoid convicting someone before a trial because his parents are high profile political actors. It's so easy to dislike these people because of where they are...I personally TOTALLY distrust people like Mr. Baptiste who always seem to have ulterior motives and whose moral fibre is questionable when they run strip clubs and things of the sort in promoting the defilement of females(please correct me if i'm wrong: FUN TOWN IN SOUBISE)I think all we can ask for in this case for all involved is a FAIR TRIAL. That all politics is discarded and leave the defendants and the alleged victim to fend for themselves under the auspex of the law. Not only should Ms. Hosford back she has said she will...but why not Mr. Baptiste too? I really don't see a place for politics in our judicial system.
00By: objectively subjective
12/10/2007 9:00:10 PM