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PM ON HI-5  
Grenada ’s Prime Minister Dr . The Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell is now a member of the hi-5 network. Dr. Mitchell joined the hi-5 network today, as a way of reaching out to the many Grenadians who currently use the hi-5 network. Speaking about hi-5, Dr. Mitchell said, “We as leaders have to find new and innovative ways of reaching our people. I want to be able to converse with the many young Grenadians who spend time on hi-5, their views and opinions are very important to me.” “As Prime Minister responsible for technology in the Caricom region, I fully endorse the use of social networking on the web as a way of staying in contact with old friends and reaching out to Grenadians all over the world. I see the hi-5 tool as a way of bridging the gap with Grenadians who are away and of course for others to learn more about Grenada .” Prime Minister Mitchell said he had already received numerous friend requests and that he intended to reply to these requests and to regularly update his page with information. Dr. Mitchell’s hi-5 URL is


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PM ON HI-5  
12 Pgs
I think this is very positive.Its a first step.
00By: John a.k.a. stallion
11/2/2007 6:53:31 PM