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Grenadians are paying more for bread, cooking gas and transportation in line with price hikes announced by the government. While some in the business community view the development as inevitable, the Grenadian labour movement says the hikes will bring greater hardship to the people. The price of flour is going up by seven to 10 percent, and that will mean a hike in what is being paid for bread and other bakery products. Also being implemented is a 25 percent increase in bus fares and cooking gas, which will have Grenadians digging a little deeper into their pockets. Government Minister Gregory Bowen holds several portfolios including Energy and Agriculture. He says inflation and other factors have forced the decision to implement the price increases. But the Chamber of Commerce is criticising what it calls an ad hoc and piecemeal approach on the part of the authorities. Reprinted from radioja


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12 Pgs
once again this government is showing its true face ,when will the poor people bind together and vote them out of office ,cost of living keep rising ,while salary is decreasing with the addition of some unfair taxtation,things can be a little easier for the poor ,if the ministers take a pay cut ,stop the careless spending intended to bribe people .and most important thief less os not at all ,,i am afraid should a new government take over it will get worse for awhile cause it will be a very hard job to reverse some of those dreadful mistakes ,it will be costly ,and by then most of the country will be in the habds of forigners ,well sorry ,may i suggest ,if you cant buy bread ,try some fig saltfish and oil with some cocoa tea ,,that is if you could afford that to ,i am praying for my country ,,
00By: kipling. francis
8/4/2007 7:58:14 AM
This is ridiculous, what they expect the poor people to do? Take man and get more disease in order to stay alive in Grenada.The bus fare is way to much, come on everyone can not afford this. If that's the case the government need to provide more jobs and better salary. One love.
00By: concern citizen
8/4/2007 1:20:20 AM