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St. George’s, Grenada, March 10th, 2010: Leader of the Opposition, and Parliamentary Representative for St. George North West, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell says he is fully convinced that the Government is on the wrong track as it relates to VAT and condemns their approach which seems to be ‘a fix as we go along approach’. He said this seems to be the Government’s approach to Governance and will lead to nothing but destruction and failure. Dr. Mitchell believes that the Government did everything possible to exclude him from the debate on the imposition of VAT knowing that he will represent the views of the people. He notes that the effort to push VAT down the throats of the people has resulted in more and more hardship. Dr. Mitchell is calling on the members of Government to take a trip around the Tri-island State to see what VAT has been doing to the people. According to Dr. Mitchell, it is quite clear that when he held the Office of Prime Minister, he ensured that the process of implementing the VAT was a slow one in which every effort was being made to engage all Grenadians. He said more importantly, his Government was closely monitoring the world economy as one of the indicators it intended to use to determine the best time to implement VAT. “This is precisely why we took a decision to postpone the implementation of the VAT in 2008.” According to Dr. Mitchell it is instructive to note that the NDC took a decision to implement VAT at a time when the economy is far worse than it was then and at a time when the state of the economy is being described as catastrophic. Meanwhile, the former Prime Minister is calling on the Government to immediately consider the removal of VAT on burial and other services. He said too many persons who are already mourning the passing of their families are finding it impossible to access the additional finances to give a decent burial to their loved ones. According to Dr. Mitchell, the NDC must immediately go back to the drawing board where VAT is concerned or else the people will find it impossible to survive.


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1234 Pgs
Gabe, when you are to refer to the Bible, first make a through check for references to what you want to deal with. You should know, that when Jesus had to deal with the leaders of his day he never mixed words with them. Asking you if you suffer from memory lapses and saying to stallion he misrepresent the facts is nothing compared to Jesus saying to the leaders that they were "WHITED WALLS". You need to check the meaning of this term. As I have told you before, Jesus is my example.
00By: Pastor Garraway
4/6/2010 1:37:36 PM
Come on Mr Stallion, why the disrespect. Every time one debate with a strong supporter of the NDC and they cannot pull wool over your eyes, they become hostile and disrespectful. We all are entitled to our opinions, some may support or may not support you, but that is all part of the democratic process. Stallion, I wish you the best in your future debates. I am about the truth but also about PEACE. But by the way where did you get the story from about this brief case of money. It was not established in the public inquiry that Dr. Mitchell received a brief case only Mr. David Marchant in his story said there was a brief case but as you know, he later came back on the George Grant show and say it was a lie he never had a tape.
00By: Pastor Garraway
4/6/2010 1:23:14 PM
tell me garraway which facts i misrepresent?we both are writing our opinions.were you there when keith accepted the money in briefcase?did you do a count of all the money?you are a wolf in sheep clothing.
00By: stallion
3/28/2010 9:25:11 PM
Gabe, are you suffering from memory lapses, and your sidekick stallion who seems has a knack to misrepresent the facts like yourself follows you blindly. Gabe you who said that you were not residing in Grenada in your postings. Go back to your posting to the article of November 27th 2009 and see where you have confirmed that you are not in Grenada. You also gave me your date of birth in your posting to another article hence I refer to it constantly. You are not an honest person and will lie, cheat and deceive to get your end. What you should know from my posting I am a student of History.
00By: Pastor Garraway
3/28/2010 7:24:23 PM
well said gabe.thats why i dont refer to him as pastor anymore.
00By: stallion
3/24/2010 12:11:06 PM
As much as i hate to say this i find myself liking the pastor yes he has lambast me in the past first for as he says i do not reside in grenada because he could read between the lines and he also seems to think that if you live in spice isles thats the only way one would know whats going on well pastor it is time you come out of the closset and state your real intensions for i believed that for a man of the cloth you seems to use some very unkindley /ungodly words for example your last posting to Stallion and others, and that brings me back to the good book seeing that we are in the period of lent and that brings me to the story that was told when christ sat in that garden with his decipiles and said to them t hat before the cock crow one of you who prayed and drink with me will betray me brings me back to the very people who knew what the great KCM had said concerning the money in the suitcase is now defending or is finding reasons to validate why things were the way they were at the time ,as my friend Stallion said this matter is not dead yet and some day the real truth will come out for in the past too many things was happening n grenada that did not seems right within government and i do hope that this government take note and do not allow it self to be tainted because the very said people who is calling for government transparency are the very ones who were involved in dealings of non transparency in our country.
00By: gabe
3/24/2010 10:14:13 AM
mr.garraway,how come everytime someone disagree with you,you say they not in grenada?also,please explain to me how it was established how much money keith received?and please explain why you say ndc deceptive?tillman was not in power when keith received the money.why must he be blamed if he want to get to the bottom of it?isnt that leadership?and tell me this,shouldn't a head of state have a money trail to determine how much money they receive from an individual?if he received a cheque then we wouldn't be having this debate.
00By: stallion
3/23/2010 7:19:53 PM
Know Better, the public inquiry which came about as a result of Mr Merchant article and the call by the NDC was well publicized, as a matter of fact it was carried live on the national media. You could not have been in Grenada or if you were you are just as deceptive as the NDC. Your contribution here is not to enlighten but to further try to deceive. In the inquiry it was established that the trip (Trade Mission) was to be paid for by the trade ambassador. It was also agreed that Dr. Mitchell will pay for the delegation but was to be reimbursed by the ambassador. According to the Permanent Secretary in the ministry of finance this was an age old practice where officials of the government receive refunds from the sponsors of trips. It was also established the amount he received. When he used these utterances he was saying something we here in Grenada knew already. Get the facts.
00By: Pastor Garraway
3/23/2010 5:34:28 PM