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St. George’s, Grenada, March 22nd, 2010: Members of the Opposition are calling on the Government to take a more proactive approach to the current water problem facing Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. The Opposition believes that while we all have to be optimistic that the situation will change for the better, a visionary Government will have an alternative plan for the immediate and the future. Parliamentary Representative for Carriacou and Petite Martinique, Hon. Elvin Nimrod believes that the solution to the current drought cannot simply be to appeal to Grenadians to conserve water and to take legal actions against those who fail to comply. Nimrod says the Government needs to be more proactive and to take decisive steps to prepare for the unexpected. He says the Government’s approach to this problem seems to be the same as their approach to the current financial crisis. He noted that the people of the country will always look towards the Government for answers in any crisis and they expect the Government to perform. But Nimrod believes the NDC’S response to any crisis seems to be to blame the previous Government rather than to deal with the problem. As a result the former Government Minister is challenging the Government to stop behaving as an infant and take the bull by the horn and get on with the job of Governing the country. Nimrod says one of the immediate measures that can be taken is the repair or replacement of the desalination plants in St. Georges, Carriacou and Petite Martinique and to consider new ones for the Western side of the island. The Opposition is also appealing to the general public to continue to support the National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA), in its efforts to conserve water. Meanwhile, the Opposition takes this opportunity to congratulate employees of NAWASA and the hardworking firemen of the Royal Grenada Police Force for the excellent job they have been doing in dealing with these national problems.


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Now i do really believe that the opposition is hell bent on making mischief i say this because why else would the be calling on this government to take a more pro -active approach in general and in particular during this dreadful water shortage the opposition as a government when they were in government spent billions on the tourist development in st georges now tell me where was their pro active approach concerning the shortage of water ,what contingent plans did they have well they would say that there was no need for any because there was no water shortage and like everything else they are now critizing on all front because they believed that they will get political gains out of such statements -thats politics for you.
00By: gabe
3/25/2010 8:02:08 AM
I support the idea of a PRO-ACTIVE approach towards solving Grenada's problems. It makes much sense. However we should not just blame the new Administration for all our problems. Let's work together and bring forward good sensible solutions to our problems for the good of Grenada. In all my years living in Grenada I observed only one Administration (not the NNP) with a pro-active approach towards solving problems. The others were just laid back lowsy politicians awaiting a big fat check monthly. They never thought about bigger and better roads, drainage, water etc. Why didn't the N.N.P had a good pro-active approach towards solving Grenada's water supply problem during their thirteen years of power? It's nice that the party was fired during the last election because they now have some great suggestions. I wish that they had those impressive ideas during their reign but unfortunately, they didn't. I wish Grenada success.
00By: Joe
3/24/2010 7:22:06 PM
Look, let us not get emotional, but look at the water situation with a clear head. The prime minister and his government did not cause the water shortage for sure, we all can agree on that. However, let us not fool ourselves it is the responsibility of the government, any government for that matter, to show leadership and direction, particularly so in times of national crisis. The NDC as a government has shown no leadership with regards to the water crisis. I beg to suggest that the government's approach to the water shortage should be consistent and in line with its developmental plans fpr the country. Grow what we eat, do not water gardens; grow back yard gardens to beat the recession, use a hose and you will be jailed; farmers should grow more food; yet they are told not to wet.How contraditory these messages are? Government is ultimately in charge of NAWASA and must provide hope, now and in the future by looking into the possibility of helping the company financially to increase its storage capacity and distribution in order to meet the developmental needs of Grenada. Where there is no vision the people will perish. The silence and non action of the government is sad, unfortunate and deafening. May the good lord help us in Grenada under this incompetent NDC government.
00By: The Patriot
3/23/2010 1:20:02 PM
what the hell wrong with nnp?is tillman god?does he make water?is he the one that make the weather dry?i fed up with keith and his gang.
00By: stallion
3/22/2010 6:28:57 PM
Talk to an expert with lots of St. Croix knowlege about using our sea water for domestic purposes; what do you say "Tomo"? Offer your assistance nuh!
00By: jack
3/22/2010 12:24:05 PM