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ST. GEORGE’S, GRENADA, Wednesday, April 27, 2011: The newly reconstituted St. George’s University (SGU) Monitoring Committee, Chaired by Hon. Nazim Burke, Minister of Finance, held its first meeting with the SGU on Thursday April 21, 2011. This was also the first meeting between Government and SGU since the signing of a new Agreement last December. Among the many matters discussed were: - The commencement of a Clinical Teaching Programme, carded for September 2011 at the General Hospital in St. George’s; and - A degree programme for teachers. The Clinical Teaching Programme will not only provide training for SGU students, but will provide additional equipment and Specialists at the General Hospital, thereby improving the delivery of Health Care in Grenada. In respect of the degree programme for teachers, this is consistent with Government’s thrust to lift the quality of education, through an increased number of Graduate Teachers. The SGU delegation was headed by Dr. Charles Modica, Chancellor of the University. The members of the newly reconstituted Monitoring Committee are: - Hon. V. Nazim Burke, Minister for Finance – Chairman - Hon. Franka Bernadine, Minister for Education – Deputy Chairperson - Mr. Rohan Phillip, Attorney General - Mr. Timothy Antoine, Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Finance - Mr. Aaron Moses, Office of the Prime Minister - Mr. Terron Gilchrist, Policy Advisor to the Minister of Health - Mr. Christopher De Riggs, Director, Private Sector Development, Ministry of Finance The Committee and the University have agreed to meet on a monthly basis to monitor the implementation of activities with respect to the new Agreement.


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Bro. Gabe, to begin with: many of us come with varying specialties. Simultaneously, please note that not too many of us are disciplined enough to effective function in and work the political arena for the good of the people and country...sad to say that some of our local politicians are selected to head key positions in our government not because they possess the skills to, but simply based on thyeir socialeconomical affiliation. Secondly, our country is constantly being brained drained. Our governments are usually Antagonistic toward those with skills, calibre, credentials and ability to get the job done with successful outcomes. To understand where I am coming from, please pay attention to those who are serving in myriad disciplines in Canada, England, USA, etc. Thirdly, some of our medical staff may have the skills necessary to get the job done properly, effectively and efficiently, unfortunately, they lack proper equipment and short of mediical resources. Fourthly, most medical errors in our hospitals can be avoided if only we had proper policy and procedures in place to govern the behavior and practices of our medical staff. Sometimes, the attitude and persona of the nursing staff and administrators are just enough to kill those at their mercy-patients...our medical and healthcare system does not have a proper credentialing board in place to cross reference the license, qualifications and credability of those who wish to practice medicine in Grenada. Doctors, nurses and others in the medical field can just about get away with murder. There's no oversight. No one questions the doctors. Some of us are so bloody dumb that we see them as gods. When people go into our hospitals for minor procedures and return butchered, they must be informed of their rights to go after the doctor(s) and the deep pocket-the government. They aught to sue for damages. Our people must be educated to know those things. Lastly, our government must do more to bring in well seasoned professional Grenadians who are willing to return home to make a difference. Politicians, well qualified Grenadians in diaspora ae not interested in competing with you for those controversal political positions. Let's attract these people to come back and make a difference.
00By: damond
4/28/2011 9:55:57 PM
sometimes on this site i have been very critical of the opposition party and granted some might say that i have been a bit heavy handed at times but after reading the above reference to the news that Government and St Georges University continues to collaborate closely my mind then turns to the opposition and i ask this questions for on the front bench of the opposition there is a lady i believed who i highly qualified as a medical doctor i say medical because the RH Keith is said to be a doctor but not medical .People we in grenada have one of the best medical teaching hospital/university in the caribbean also very highly trained doctors and nurses yet we lack in medical bed care manners and its components that makes for the real caring for our old and sick because to often our people goes into hospital and some come out worse than when the went in and this is my question as to why the government did not for once acquired the service of this member of the opposition and work together for grenada ,the health service and the people of grenada for once lets put aside politics and touch the human side of life and invite this lady on to this committee and while i am on the subject what the hell is the AG doing sitting on this committee has he not better things to do like reviewing the current criminal and sentencing law in grenada and dealing with thoes criminals in our country.
00By: gabe
4/28/2011 9:48:04 AM