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St. George’s, Grenada, April 29th 2010: Leader of Her Majesty’s Opposition, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell says he is shocked and extremely disturbed by the recent development in which two police officers who were in his company last weekend were suddenly suspended from their jobs. According to Dr. Mitchell, this kind of action by those in authority is reminiscent of a period in our history that many will wish not to recall. Dr. Mitchell explains that during his thirteen years in Government he has built very close relationship with individuals in all sectors of the society and values very highly those relationships. However, he noted that in the case of the police officers one happens to be a very close relative and as a result traditionally they visit each others home quite frequently. The other officer he said is like a son to him and he is also extremely close to his family. He said both officers like other relatives and friends maintain very close contact with him. Dr. Mitchell describes the action taken against the officers as pure victimization and says it sets a very dangerous precedence. He said no past or present leader in any country should support this. It must be noted that on many occasions since the last general elections, Dr. Mitchell has spoken out very strongly about a number of obvious cases of victimization in the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF), and has expressed concern that the situation is only getting worse and can have serious implication for the peace and stability of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. The Opposition Leader therefore calls on the Minister for National Security to restore sanity in the leadership of the RGPF. From The Office of Her Majesty's Opposition


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Stallion, you are correct. Dammond now say he BELIEVES (that means he is not sure) the action taken against the officers was politically motivated. It's good that I didn't join his band-wagon. He was also disappointed that I asked question since I weren't aware the facts. The gentleman boldly mis-quoted me without checking what was written. He stated the opposite of what I wrote even when I wrote in favour of the Leader of the Opposition. I guess he was too busy with his own spin. Good luck Dammond, you are a great writer.
00By: Joe
5/14/2010 8:44:46 PM
would the real damond step forward?the real damond won't cast accusations without evidence.
00By: stallion
5/4/2010 10:49:24 AM
Mr Damond some of your posting re the suspended police officers i do agrees with for example as a former prime minister the RH KCM do and should have some form of security when he goes anywhere on ministrial business as the leader of HM opposition and even when he attends function but and here is the but at all times such security should be cleared by the head of the government security department so that down the line everyone knows the names of these security officers and secondly serving police officers should not be used as security without the conscent of their chief be they friends of kcm or any one else ,because weather they are in work or off duty they are still law officers and is entitled to up hold the law therefore these two officers should have at the time make it known to their boss what their intensions were for we cannot have a law for this and not for the other, there has to be a standard and that standard has to be uphold or alse the law would be seen as an ass quote.
00By: gabe
5/4/2010 9:29:18 AM
Joan be real...whay would you ask why Dr. Mitchell is involved in this...the man is the focal point of the incident. I firmly believe that some of us have yet to remember that this is a former prime minister...deserves security for himself and family if for any reason(s) he feels his life is theatened. If the two policemen were off duty and decided to moonlight or provide security for Dr. Mitchell, why would the government take steps to punish these guys, especially if it were no political motivated/vengeance? Whether you guys are politcally bias or not, I think it's about time we begin to think outside the box. Keith Mitchell was former prime minister and should be granted some form of security detail when needed...agree or disagree, this man has done a lot of good to the advancement and development of Grenada. It's so unfortunate that so many of us yet unable to see the 99 good/perfect vs. 1 bad/imperfect a person has done. Al though I am not to sure about the true nature of the policemen dilemma, I would continue to believ that the action taken against these men are politically motivated.
00By: Damond
5/4/2010 2:24:42 AM
Why has Mr Mitchell become involved with this. As a former Prime Minister I think he should be above politics... If those two men have done anything wrong then the truth will come out. The police has got to produce the evidence..Grenadains cannot sink so low as to jail two innocent men. I would hope that Mr Tillman and his Government has nothing to do with this and Mr Mitchell as I said before you should not get involved.
00By: joan
5/2/2010 10:28:44 AM