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St. George’s, Grenada, June 15th 2011: Members of Her Majesty’s Opposition are calling on the Tillman Thomas Administration to be more considerate to those who are trying to make an honest living in these tough economic times. The Opposition New National Party Representatives in Parliament have all expressed concerned about the inconsiderate way in which sidewalk vendors in Grenville were recently moved. According to Opposition Leader Dr. Keith Mitchell, “In these tough economic times, Government should be doing everything to ease the burden on the most vulnerable members of the society.” He added, “If someone is trying to make an honest dollar then, every effort must be made to provide an alternative location. Government must understand we are in a financial crisis and the more people can help themselves is the more they should be encouraged to do so.” Members of the Opposition have consistently maintained that while the current economic situation can in some ways be attributed to the international crisis, it is largely due to the actions of the National Democratic Congress Government. The Opposition believes that if the Government had adopted a less hostile approach to investors and perceived supporters of the NNP, and if they were prepared to continue the many development projects started by the NNP administration, the economic situation would be far better than it is now. As a result the Opposition is once again calling on the Government to re-examine its policies and actions since assuming office and to make the necessary changes to ease the frustration of the people of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. From the Office of the Opposition Leader


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BION I'm irmpessed! Cool post!
00By: Kaden
7/8/2011 8:58:05 AM
Disgusted Grenadian, "Sticks and stones may break my bones, but words can never hurt me." This quotation is such a myth and fallacy! My brotha, as much as words do hurt and may be even worse than sticks and stones, I must admit that I have been through and overcame too many obstables to allow our back and forth debates here to put me down, silence, discourage me...I have been on the receiving end from a child, so please don't feel any how...we're in this together. Simultaenously, irrespective of my travels and accomplishments, I will never consider nor see myself above any human being. I shared the fact that I have lived, worked and school in various countries as a way fn honing in the fact that I have a a right to my opinions based on the opportunities and experiences I have been interacting with various cultures. Yes, I have been challenged by a few who wish to know my identity and whereabouts. They've certainly failed to recognize that I live right here in the countryside. One of my prime critic is pastor Winston Garraway. Irrespective of our disagreements, the brotha has come across quite questionable and hostile at me. But guess what: I know what some of our people are capable of when they can't have their way...their normal recourse is to turn to violence. I am not a violent person and will never revert to violence. The brotha does make me feel physically threaten over some simple disagreements. Nevertheless, I would not allow anyone to intimedate me on GC. I am too old to be threaten and intimedated by anyone. Infact, I am more than motivated to challenge those who wish to represent us and to ensure they do the right thing. I vow to be voice to the voiceless, underrepresented, the expolited and oppressed. I will continue to play the devil's advocate until Pastor Winston Garrawy, Dr. Keith Mitchell, PM Tillman Thomas, Winston Whyte, Nazim Burke and other opportunistic Grenadians decide to do the right thing and take our country in the right direction. The truth must be told and uphold. As Malcolm X once says, "By any means necessary" a slogan that should form the core of our belief in a just society. And Malcolm was not advocating violence here. The brotha was simply saying that we aught to take a stanch for principle, even if our lives are at stake.
00By: damond
6/24/2011 7:01:16 AM
Brother Damond, I am here in Grenada too, educated just like you too, and travelled all around too, and I'm still here and staying here. We have to learn to agree to dis-agree if we intend to have a good debate.Don't take this personal because in no way my brother am I attempting to isolate you or put you down. I welcome good critzism and a healthy debate. This is the only way we can bring foward all the mistakes and hopeful come up with some good solutions if these people here are reading what we are writing and wish to come in and bring their ideas.
00By: Disgusted Grenadian
6/23/2011 12:31:26 AM
Also my brotha, many diaspora Grenadians are daily contributing to the well being of our country than those right here on the ground in Grenada...I really don't know what some of our seniors, children and needy families wold do were it not for those generous diaspora Grenadians.
00By: damond
6/22/2011 11:46:27 PM
far too often on this site,grenadians who live abroad are often attacked and ridiculed for not physically being in grenada.this is very backward could be argued that a large number of grenadians leaving at home have no idea of what is happening in our own country.we grenadians have alot to contribute here or abroad.
00By: stallion
6/22/2011 9:37:37 AM