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ST. GEOPRGE’S, GRENADA, 14 JULY, 2011 _ Grenada’s Prime Minister Tillman Thomas has welcomed a report in the September 2010 Economic and Financial Review of the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank (ECCB) which credited Grenada with leading the performance of the sub-region’s manufacturing sector. “The unfavorable outturn for the ECCU manufacturing sector was mitigated by the positive outturn in Grenada where growth of 33.1 percent was recorded…” the review stated, adding that “most member countries, with the exception of Grenada, recorded decreases in manufacturing activity.” The report also pointed to increases in both production and prices for nutmeg and cocoa in Grenada over the period. “This review points to the soundness of our policies, as we manage our economy through a very difficult period of global economic recession. This review supports our plans for the transformation of our economy,” Prime Minister Thomas said Thursday. He noted that along with nutmeg and cocoa, banana production is also increasing, as the administration continues to focus on stimulating the productive sectors of the economy and strengthening the country’s ability to add value to its commodity base. Prime Minister Thomas stated that while Grenada and the region continue to be challenged by the global recession, his administration continues to take concrete steps to stimulate various sectors including construction. He said the construction and tourism sectors hold the greatest potential for job creation and reducing unemployment. “We continue to seek avenues to put our people back to work. It is our number one priority. These two sectors hold the greatest potential for achieving this objective,” the Prime Minister said Thursday. From The Office of the Prime Minister


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12 Pgs
Self-proclaimed pastor and labor minister of NNP, Winston Garraway, for heaven's sake do you really expect the NDC administration to concentrate its reserved energy on encouraging investors, businesses in our country, far less to creating real here...the NDC administration is being challenged by the NNP...they know their popularity is falling daily...NNP is gaining steam because Grenadian eyes are opening to how ineffective, inefficient, corrupt and unwilling to meet promises made prior their victory at the poll. The NDC does not have the time to think of the plight of the people. These guys are trying to create strategies to win the hearts and minds of Grenadians. I call upon Grenadians to depict the accomplishments of the NDC over the past 3 years...please show us the evidence of NDC acchievements. Now the NDC government is embarking on the distribution land allocated to small farming to people who already have homes nad house lots. Isn't the distribution of such land a strategy to attract votes, which was used by Keith Mitchell, Ben Jones, Blaize, Brizan, Brathwaite and Gairy...why aren't Keith Mitchell and and other members of the opposition addressing such issue openly...are they hoping to capitalize on the same scheme too? Where's the conscience of good staemanship?
00By: damond
7/20/2011 11:05:00 PM
Another question, what contribution or impact has this made to the GDP of the country?
00By: pastor Winston Garraway
7/20/2011 6:00:18 PM
Every time the Government put out a story, it would be nice for readers on GC to ask for back ground facts. I cannot dispute the information because I am aware of it. But I am not to sure all the readers here know it. It is a known fact that the people of Grenada is asking the Government to do more to create the enabling environment for sustainable jobs to be had. Well with such a report one will believe that the increase in manufacturing is doing just that. Grenada has not been a serious manufacturing country therefore out put there was very small. Baron came to the island and is producing pepper sauce, bar b q sauce etc. some of the material they bring it into the island and bottle them. Windfresh is former wibdeco who has an arrangement with the marketing board, they are occupying Dr George Mitchell factory in St David, he was once producing juice but unfortunately went out of business. At the time of the report windfresh was producing but since has ceased to operate. The big question one should ask is how many Grenadians are employed from these companies. How unfortunate, tne NDC is majoring in the MINORS.
00By: pastor Winston Garraway
7/20/2011 5:57:48 PM
Fletcher i echo your concern about the quietness of the opposition to comment/back this wonderful report ,but is not funny when their spokeperson the right pastor Garraway comes to this forum and says quote the he hope the government will put more resouces into to banana industry to match that which the nutmeg industry is doing and for this i say to the pastor what was your government the nnp doing after both Ivan and emily destroy our agriculture industry (nothing) your government allow our industry to dammed near run to the ground without any major investment to the farming industry and now that there is a bit of light coming at the end of the tunnel after some drastic belt tightening maesure by all our people you the opposition is jumping on the bangwagon, shame,shame on you and your party for our people will see the opposition for what they are a bunch of opportunist who would do /say anything to get back into power,yes we wont be fooled again.
00By: gabe
7/18/2011 6:47:02 AM
also Fletcher, Tillman Thomas and the NDC are losing the hearts and minds of the youth. Here's my reasoning: They increased tuition and decrease the enrollment rate at our local community college, especially for poor students and families...that has added fuel to fire sticks NNP has been amassing as tools to use against Tillman Thomas and NNP. And guess what, Tillman Thomas and the NDC renegades would not be able to use any political weapons against the guy. The Briefcase-money issue, sale of passport, CapBank and other allegations would not work, since they ignored and failed to address thosmas promised prior to their inception into office...the cow, goat, sheep and pig heads, a bottle of rum for the boys, fete for the boys around the corner, a dollar here and there, pound of flour, rice ...strategies for votes will no longer work. Grenadians are becoming more and even more politically consciencious and aware. The NDC has a lot of obstacles to overcome in the next 2 yrs, or it would be defeated!
00By: damond
7/16/2011 7:32:42 PM