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The investment-starved government of Grenada might be facing some embarrassment, CARIBUPDATE NEWS has reported. “There are more questions than answers about a company that has signed a memorandum of understanding with the Grenada government purportedly to fund projects worth billions of dollars,’’ CARIBUPDATE reported in its September 1 Newsbreak bulletin. Last week, Grenadians heard for the first time that some government officials, including Prime Minister Tillman Thomas, had met with representatives of SeWang One World, which is proposing to invest more than US$2 billion in Grenada. One of the problems, said CARIBUPDATE, is that nobody outside of the promoters of the company in Grenada knows for certain who is SeWang One World, nor can anyone locate a business track record of the company. According to CARIBUPDATE, “adding to the concerns in St George’s is a china times newspaper report which says that authorities there have arrested three people on suspicion of fraud. Apparently they are the same people that wined and dined a Grenada delegation last month that included two government officials – Christopher De Riggs, a top official of the Ministry of Finance and Vincent Roberts, the public relations officer of the ruling National Democratic Congress.’’ Among those arrested by the Chinese is a Korean woman, whose name has been given as Ms Pak. She is believed to have visited Grenada in May. “The latest revelations have Grenadian authorities scrambling to find answers,’’ said CARIBUPDATE. Finance Minister Nazim Burke told the BBC that he is shocked at the revelation, but said it was never a done deal. The two Grenadian representatives of SeWang One World, Antonio Bailey and Justin Francis, continue to insist that the company is legitimate. Reprinted from


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12 Pgs
What a breath of fresh air! Thanks bro. Steele. some of us-people on the island and our political parties are very much aware of the potentials of our diaspora brothers and sisters. At the same time, our locals are very fearful of diaspora Grenadians...we know you have the education, experience and will power...would do much more to further the cause and ability of our country and hasten its ability to compete on the international scene. If some of you are given the chance to work here in Grenada, our business sector, social, educational and political, health care systems, especially customer service and delivery of services would be far more would be created and most of our young people would be encouraged to leave the bottle, refrain from violence, engage in vocational training, seek to become self-employed....unfortunately, our local and socal politicians know you would pose a threat to their status quo and way of life. Therefore, our representatives are more than willing to meet with you wherever you are, simply to keep you away from returning to Grenada. We are brain-drained of all of you... with innovative minds and our local leaders love that.
00By: dam,ond
9/22/2010 6:58:18 AM
They are actually saying to you: "Please remain in England, Canada, USA...we'll come to you. We'll call you. Please don't call us nor come and particiapte in the political process" If you wish to challenge me on this, then let's try this for example: Try to show one of our people a different way to do something and they'd look at you and ask, "Who the hell he thinks he is...thinks he's better than us...this is the way we do it around here...we don't need you...they would even refer to you as JCBs" In one's daily observation, a task that may take one hour to be completed by a diaspora Grenadian, that same task would take days to be done by one of our local citizen on the island. If diaspora Grenadians are given the opportunity to participate in the development of Grenada, on the island, our country will be far more developed. Try me on this: If one should walk into some places of business on the islans, the chances are he/she is likely to experience a unpleasant welcome from some clerks or worker of that business. That worker does not realize that if you don't walk into their workplace that they're likely to be sent home...very poor customer service.
00By: damond
9/22/2010 6:55:23 AM
What a breath of fresh air. Thanks bro. Steele. some of us-people on the island and our political parties are very much aware of the potentials of our diaspora brothers and sisters. At the same time, our locals are very fearful of diaspora Grenadians...we know you have the education, experience and will power...would do much more to further the cause and ability of our country to compete on the international scene. If many of you are given the chance to work here in Grenada, our business sector, social, educational and political, health care systems, especially customer service and delivery of services would be far more would be created and most of our young people would be encouraged to leave the bottle, refrain from violence, engage in vocational training, seek to become self-employed....unfortunately, our local and socal politicians know you would pose a threat to their status quo and way of life. Therefore, our representatives are more than willing to meet with you wherever you are, simply to keep you away from returning to Grenada. We are brain-drained of all of you with innovative minds and our local leaders love that. They are actually saying to you: "Please remain in England, Canada, USA...we'll come to you. We'll call you. Please don't call us nor come and particiapte in the political process" If you wish to challenge me on this, then let's try this for example: Try to show one of our people a different way to do something and they'd look at you and ask, "Who the hell he thinks he is...thinks he's better than us...this is the way we do it around here...we don't need you...they would even refer to you as JCBs" In one's daily observation, a task that may take one hour to be completed by a diaspora Grenadian, that same task would take days to be done by one of our local citizen on the island. If diaspora Grenadians are given the opportunity to participate in the development of Grenada, on the island, our country will be far more developed. Try me on this: If one should walk into some places of business on the islans, the chances are he/she is likely to experience a unpleasant welcome from some clerks or worker of that business. That worker does not realize that if you don't walk into their workplace that they're likely to be sent home...very poor customer service.
00By: damond
9/8/2010 11:12:53 PM
I can't believe this. "There they go again", too often repeated now. Why did these same guys lambaste the former prime Minister knowing they were no better. When the chickens come home to roost it would be bloody, if not fatal. You see, you reap what you sew. These guys should publicly apologize to the former Prime Minister (i am a supporter of no one except those who are on the right side, no political affiliation...yet)but they all should check themselves. Look underneath their skin and really search themselves, get some understanding beyond what they currently have. They should understand the grave responsibility they have before taking office. Tell me, what's wrong with a Diaspora Bond? Really, what would the problem be with that? I have to go there because there are people in the government who oppose it for very personal reasons. They would rather beg and be bribed, making our nation appear poor and unambitious than pursue loftier goals. But 'payday comin' .
01By: Steele
9/8/2010 12:28:46 AM
Such humiliations will continue to plague our tiny island for a very long time to come, as long as we continue to elect leaders with little or no experience, unquestionable integrity, unchecked monetary and material worth prior to being elected into office. You can't tell me that those guys who have never held government or diplomatic decision making postions are qualified and quite capable of working out deals with international organizations...when such decisions concern a country. In fact, some of these guys are more apt and gullible to accepting bribes and compromising the security of Grenada. Are Grenadians foolish enough to think that one of our socal government representatives would turn down a $100,000.00 bride because they care about our really believe some of our guys will say no to an new car (bribe), an extention to their home, four year scholarship to a university(for self or family member) me soneone with such integrity. People, it's not about self anymore. Grenada cannot move forward until we have come to the conclusion that it's all about the community and country. It's not about you and me. When we decided it's not about us, then the St. Mary's RC school will be rebuilts Why? We'll pressure Allyn Walker to act expediciously.
00By: damond
9/6/2010 6:13:42 PM