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Dear Editor, Based on some recent political developments that are taking place in our country and the role played by some senior members of government and the ruling NDC party, we the people of Grenada are anxiously and curiously asking this logical question: “Who is the real Prime Minister of Grenada?” One Wonders if our constitutionally appointed Prime Minister, Hon. Tillman Thomas is quietly and patiently observing the bold and open challenge to his authority from his Minister for Finance Nazim Burke and his two hatchet men, Chairman of the party Glen Noel and P.R.O. Vincent Roberts. Is the Prime Minister taking stock of the strategic albeit hastily arranged press conferences that are taking place whenever he is out of the country? Is he seeing the similarity in conduct with the former regime of the nineteen eighties? The boldest challenge so far came out of the most recent press conference in St. George convened to make excuse and play the blame the NNP game through statements and answers to questions from the press concerning the alleged Sewang-One World fraud fiasco. It is now known that Prime Minister Thomas (Mr. Transparency) signed an M.O.U. with this South Korean based company since May of 2010. In his reply to a question from a journalist at the press conference, the Minister for Finance expressed his regrets for the signing of the memorandum of understanding by the Prime Minister by saying that he was sorry for what had happened and he sees no reason why the Prime Minister had to get involved in these types of exercises – paraphrasing him. Clearly the apology by the minister is to achieve two things. One is to totally remove himself from the blunder, and the other is to totally blame and humiliate the Prime Minister. We the people of this tri-island state see this as a vicious and clandestine challenge to the leader of the country. In any case the Prime Minister should be the most appropriate person to address the nation on this unfortunate development, not his Minister for Finance, unless instructed to do so by him. It is prime time for our Prime Minister to show some courage and ask the Governor General to relieve this Minister of his duties with immediate effect. Failing to do so will severely affect his constitutional and moral authority to govern our country. Mr. Simplicity


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123 Pgs
Maurice Bishop may have made mistakes, he might have silenced freedom of speech of those who were attempting to slown down the tide of progress...but he did much more for our country during his 4 year reign,than any of our socal contemporary and opportunistic leaders-Gairy, Brathwaite, Ben Jones, Blaize, Keith Mitchell, Tillman THomas...some of his objectives were focused on educating the people (true freedom and independence), the self-sufficiency of the country and its people, the economic development and me what Keith Mitchell and Tillman have done to correlate with that of Maurice, then we'll be able to prove to ourselves what true altruistics and statemen they are. A prime example, when Maurice got into power the country cash flow was at its lowest ebb. Maurice could have raised taxes. He did not do that because he knew it would have been counter-productive. Did Tillman Thomas do, he increased it by an extra 200% against the people's wishes. How dear we say the man is doing the right thing and should not be criticized...the economy is bad, employment is deepning for the can an educated and knowledgeable political leader increase taxes to such magnititude (200%), raise salaries, government travel expenses...under such economic constraints and unemploment condition? That's pure voodoo economics.
00By: damond
9/19/2010 12:09:07 PM
It's time we begin to see a broader picture here...Tillman Thomas and NDC, Keith Mitchell and NNP, Winston White (the opportunistic GULP leader...too old to lead and the mistrustful renegade leader) and the GULP, Francis Alexis and other quasi-wanna-be-leaders went along with whatever was going on during NNP 13 yr reign because they were all bent on doing the same damn thing. Unfortunately, none of them seemed to have known a better political way of conducting government business.
00By: damond
9/19/2010 11:49:37 AM
Our beloved patriotic an altruistic late leader, Maurice Bishop, had been the only Grenadian to have had stood up for justice, fairness and the advancement of we as a people against a dictorial regime (Gairy and his Mongoose Gang-the illiterate who had no sense of reasoning). And guess what? He paid dearly on account of that. Keith Mitchell led the country for 13 years. Not once did we see Tillman Thomas, Francis Alexis, leaders from the GULP or other quasi-wanna be politicians challenging and complaining about the wrong practices of the man and his NNP party. While certain policies and economic practices were implemented, though these socal opposition partt leaders knew they were going to rain havoc on hardworking citizens, none of them were brave enough to speak out or mobilize the people against such ill economic thought though policies. It appears to me that maybe they all were benefiting from those policies one way or the other.
00By: damond
9/19/2010 11:42:09 AM
Ok young fella Gabe, first and foremost I am not a member of NNP, NDC, GULP nor partisan in any shape or form. I definitely think some of you are missing the point and what I'm actually trying to hone in to here. Keith Mitchell was/is one man...if he had 12 or 13 cabiniet members who refused to challenge him, how can you blame the man for being so authoritative and controlling...He's one person up against 12, 13 elected officials and an entire 104983 Grenadians-people. In addition, throughout his tenure (13 yrs) in office none of the political parties had the gutts to challenge him and his dictatorial political practices. Why hold this against him...doesn't that excuse the man of all wrongs one complained publically. Doesn't that say somethng differently...seemed like the cabinet or people were quite satisfied with the status quo.
00By: damond
9/19/2010 11:30:42 AM
Mr Damond as i have said on this page/site before i am a supporter not a paid up member and thanks for the compliment/Title, my friend i just wish it was so but then again i like to look at things from both sides and here is my thing -when the NNP were in power there were things happening in our country by the NNP and some of their supporters that would have seen people go to jail if this was happening in another country ,your party the NNP was run by a one man band Dr K, and anything that had to be sais concerning government matters was said by one man Mitchell he was the only voice coming from the NNP camp,none of his then ministers could not get a word in concerning the departments which they ran it was always Mitchell and thats why his recent speeches on our airways was strange even to his supporters yes we have come a long way from the Mitchell and NNP way for we can now air our views on Radio and on Television and the media yes this was the same man who through the courts got the grenada today newspaper shut down again i say this what a different two years have made yes they NNP have seen the light and is frightened that this government might just get things right given time,the NNP was in office for thirteen years, this NDC government only two years .
00By: gabe
9/17/2010 10:11:33 AM