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September 29th 2010: Leader of the Opposition, Dr. the Rt. Hon Keith Mitchell says the decision by his administration to re-establish diplomatic relations with China was taken in the best interest of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique. He said the relationship has yielded significant technical and economic benefits. Dr. Mitchell made these comments when the Chinese Ambassador Mr. Zang Wanhai paid a courtesy call on the Leader of the Opposition last Monday. The Ambassador described the time spent in Grenada as enjoyable. He said the relationship between Grenada and China is historic and one that has grown significantly over the years bringing benefits to both countries. Referring to recent claims by the National Democratic Congress that there was corruption in the negotiations, Dr. Mitchell said the claims are not only ridiculous but damaging to both countries. He therefore makes an appeal to the Government to do the noble thing and issue a public apology to the Government and people of China. According to him the negotiations were open and transparent. Dr. Mitchell expressed gratitude to the Government and people of China for the assistance provided to Grenada since the re-establishment of diplomatic relations. He said he will always be grateful for the assistance received to reconstruct the cricket stadium, the number of scholarships provided to young Grenadians, training provided to public servants and other Grenadians and the successful negotiation of 2000 low income homes for ordinary Grenadians. The former Prime Minister extended best wishes to Ambassador Wanhai who is due to leave the island within a few days after spending three years in Grenada. OFFICE OF THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION


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I am not any bloody support of of NDC, NNP, GULP or other...just an objective observer who sees and says it as it is. However, I firmly believe something is not right here with this picture...Keith Mitchell is attempting to use the same Coup- De-Tat tactics that Bernard Coard, Bogo, Hudson and others used to remove and viciously murder our most altruistic and beloved leader Maurice Bishop. Grenada has a legitimate and democraticly elected government. This sort of behavior should never be allowed to occur in any civilize and democratic society. Keith Mitchell is trying to polarize the masses in order to conquer...he is trying to build an international financial base to support his next election campaign. China will fund his next election campaign at the expense of the poor, ignorant and least educated ones who would buy into the drink of rum for the fellas, cow/goad heads for the village boys to cookout, some groceries here and there, etc...His attempt to destabalize the current administration should not be taken likely. I URGE THE GOVERNMENT OF GRENADA TO BE MORE PROACTIVE, AGGRESSIVE AND ACT SWIFTLY TO PREVENT ANOTHER GRENADA October 1983 HAULOCAUST. I will continue to be critical of all parties untill they get the message, and put the people of Grenada interest at the forefront.
00By: damond
10/1/2010 8:39:12 PM
Tillman Thomas, NNP, NDC, GULP (not Winston White the opportunist), other political parties, Please take note that Keith Mitchell is taking this too far now. To slowdown and impede his propaganda machine you much go on the offensive (not the defensive because you're not wrong). If any of you have our people's interest, then you would seize the opportunity and remind us of NNP/keith Mitchell's Brief Case and Money Laundering behavior, the selling of the country's passport to non-Grenadian nationals,the hardship the passport issue has brought on our young folk, the Cap-Bank issue that ripped off so many of our poor and retired folk, the ministers who pocketed half the money geared for road work or other infrastructural projects...the female NNP representative of St. Andrew Northeast on various occasions took half the money allocated for road cleanup and repairs and nothing was done about it...why aren't you guys going after Keith Mitchell by exposing all those wrongful deeds? Is Keith Mitchell holding some sort of secrets for some of you?
00By: Damond
10/1/2010 8:30:30 PM