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The National Democratic Congress wishes to bid farewell to Ambassador Zhang Wanhai and his wife as they depart for another diplomatic posting in the service of their country. We take this opportunity to express our thanks and appreciation for their friendship and contribution to Grenada. We further take this opportunity to unequivocally state and emphasize our belief in and commitment to our relations with the Peoples Republic of China which our nation feels privileged and proud of enjoying. On behalf of our Party, we voice our profound and lasting appreciation for the noble friendship and great support continuously and generously extended to us by the Peoples Republic of China over the years. We express our trust and commitment that our two countries will harmoniously and constructively continue to foster, deepen and strengthen their mutual relationship and cooperation in all possible fields and on all appropriate levels in the interest of both our people. ________________________ Tillman J. Thomas (Hon.) Political Leader


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Prime Minister Keith Mitchell and Tillman Thomas, Maurice Bishop left a legacy that you should be practicing as you lead our country. He stood up to giants because he loved our country. He gave up his life because he cared...he was willing to die in place of many of us. He refused to compromise the values and principles on which the people of Grenada entrusted to him. He did not misuse nor engaged in any financial malpractices at the stake of the people of Grenada. He may have made mistakes, but ensured as many of our people had the opportunity to gain an education and the ability to compete on the global scene. Can you guys learn from our Peace Minister, the late and beloved Maurice Bishop? As Grenadians, let us not forget that Maurice had our country and people's interest at heart. It was not all about him. It was all about Grenada. Let's not forget his fact, let's use the knowledge he transpired in each of us to ensure Keith Mitchell and those with personal and opportunistic motives do not regress our country, nor distract us. Fellow Grenadians, we as a people tend to forget too easily.
00By: damond
10/3/2010 5:17:43 AM
I hope what Keith Mitchell is doing will be an eye openner for every's my hope that we all would come to realize how detrimental his re-election to office can be for the country. In the past I have supported most of the challenges he devoted and threw at the NDC, however, I am beginning to think that Keith Mitchell is not the kind of leader Grenada needs at this time or in the near future. We do not need someone who would go to whatever length to overtly and covertly undermine our democratically elected government. At the same time, I will continue to crticise our government when their policies contradict the well-being of the people, but I am going to deligently pursue Keith Mitchell arguments and unethical behavior to ensure it does not do further damage to our country's internation relations and reputation.
00By: damond
10/2/2010 7:04:47 PM