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St. George’s, January 27, 2010 (GIS) – Grenada’s External Affairs Minister wants to see the establishment of a House of Representative committee of government and opposition parliamentarians, who will meet to discuss diplomatic relations with other countries and other foreign relations matters. Honourable Peter David made the suggestion in parliament, where he called for the setting up of a Bipartisan Committee of the House on Foreign Affairs. “The reason why we are considering that is so that both sides of the House can be engaged in the foreign policy of our country," Minister David explained. “When you look at the U.S. and other major States, even countries in the Caribbean such as Barbados and Trinidad – and even Guyana to a lesser extent – both government and opposition are always kept abreast of what is happening in foreign relations." Mr. David said there are several reasons for taking a bipartisan political approach to foreign relations. “One is that you need to face the world as one united country," he said. “We need to ensure that when we engage the United States or the United Kingdom or Brazil, we’re not just doing it as half of the government – meaning the NDC is engaging or the NNP is engaging – but the country is engaging. I think it would only be fair to the opposition, whoever that opposition is at that time, to participate in the development of foreign policy." Minister David believes a bipartisan Committee will end what he described as the use of foreign affairs as a “political football," and help the foreign service move forward. “Over the years, we have not had smooth transitions in the service. That is why we want to not only develop the foreign service idea, but also to engage all of the Members of Parliament in discussions,’’ the Foreign Minister said. “So if, for example, the government decides to take an initiative in the Middle East, we want the Bipartisan Committee to look at it. If we are going to sign a Memorandum of Understanding or establish relations with a country, we want all Members of Parliament to look at it. Because these relations are not with governments per se, but they are with the State and the State does include all the Members of Parliament.’’


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For once i must say good thinking(and i dont always agrees with him) to the RH Peter David in suggesting ta Biapartisan committee on foreing affairs and in he doing so we the people will see how sincere the oppositions are in working together to forward a better grenada both internal and external ,so well done.
00By: gabe
1/29/2010 5:36:05 AM