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October 6th, 2010: Some of you may have heard about the most recent attempt to embarrass Dr. Patrick Antoine, by The New Today - alleging, among other things, that he received two salaries to which he was not entitled. As we all know, Dr. Antoine is more than capable of dealing with this matter. But it is my sacred duty to address it also. In the first place, as the Prime Minister at the time, it was I who proposed an independent investigation into the allegations against Dr. Antoine. Finally and perhaps most importantly, it appears to me that something new and destructive may have crept into our national politics. A new mindset, a negative spirit, it may be, that seems unwilling to permit certain persons to rest unless - by innuendo, ruse or machination - they are busy deceiving our countrymen, hurting some individual or family, pulling someone down, assassinating the character of another unsuspecting Grenadian. At its worse, it can go further than just the character. Maurice Bishop, Jacqueline Creft, Innocent Belmar, our unnumbered brothers and sisters who perished at Fort George on that Dark Day, may have paid the ultimate price. But others have suffered too - the late Sir Eric Gairy, our innocent women whose reputations were sacrificed to prove that Sir Eric Gairy was a dictator most corrupt and foul, parliamentarians Anthony Boatswain, Gregory Bowen and to our long-standing national shame, our own Sir Daniel Williams, who then, as Governor-General, could not speak up for himself! I too have been vilified – the list is endless. These few examples both serve to put this latest attack on Dr. Antoine into perspective and bring that unfortunate New Today headline of October 1 - back into focus. Fortunately, I knew of these allegations against Dr. Antoine, made by a few persons in 2002 - more than eight years ago. Indeed as already indicated, it was I who formally proposed by letter May 15th, 2002, that an Independent Caribbean Professional be appointed to resolve the matter - in the Spirit of Fair Play. Acting this proposal, while in Spain, the Heads of Government agreed that Dr. Carla Barnett, Deputy Secretary General of CARICOM at the time, would meet both Parties and thoroughly investigate the matter. Dr. Barnett employed the full competence of the Legal Division of the CARICOM Secretariat in reviewing all Agreements, Correspondence and Communications related to the allegations. Let me repeat: Dr. Barnett employed the full competence of the Legal Division of the CARICOM Secretariat in reviewing ALL the Agreements, Correspondence and communications. In the end, Dr. Barnett's Final Report made it crystal clear that the arrangements for Dr. Antoine’s work were covered by two separate contracts. He was hired to do one job at US $7,000 and then he was promoted to another job, without reducing his attention on the first job at US $ 4,000 plus a housing allowance. Could he have been promoted from a job paying him US $ 7,000 per month, to a job paying him US$4,000 per month? Frankly, as much as anything else, it was this that finally prompted me to ask for the independent investigation – in which the accuser would not also the judge! The report unequivocally stated that Dr. Antoine rights were seriously violated and that the RNM had no right to do many of the things it tried to do. The report requested Dr. Antoine not to take legal action against the Community. He agreed on condition that certain things were first settled. The CRNM and Dr. Antoine then had a dispute over settlement of the matter, which was finally settled by the Secretary General with no payment by either Party. Dr. Antoine was represented by his own lawyers, and they quite properly insisted that the dispute be settled in accordance with the Independent Report mandated by the Heads. This was the only Independent Report and the finding made it clear that Dr. Antoine was entitled to the two payments which he received. What is more, is that Dr. Antoine continued to work on behalf of the CARICOM and OECS Secretariats and has provided substantial intellectual leadership to the Community, since that time. But this was eight years old, and it is settled. So why bring it up now! Could it be that Dr. Antoine, by his well-established independent and objective analyses is seen by some as a thorn in the side of the Government!? You would recall that Dr. Antoine did an interview with GBN's Andre Jerome, where he stated some positions which we frankly - did not share. But we were big enough to absorb them, without feeling that we needed to attack him. So why not address the content, the substance of Dr. Antoine's contribution? Why attack him when he offers perspectives with you do not agree? I wish to make one final point: Many businesspersons and professionals consider Dr. Patrick Antoine to be one of the most skilled professionals in our region –in his field. This pathetic attempt to damage his character must be seen in the context of his expected continued role in national, regional and international affairs. If we forget everything else we’ve shared together, let us not forget that - where there is no vision, the people perish. If we continue to try to damage our skilled people, there will be no vision! OFFICE OF THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION


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1234 Pgs
Me, there's enough room for you to post your can bypass mresponses whenver you visit the sites. Simultaneously, you are not in a position to discourage nor prevent me from doing so...instead of trying to stop me as you and others did to Maurice Bishop, please post something wothwhile that we all can comment on. You come on here asking me to slow down, but have nothing of substance to add. Please begin to address those comments and concerns of our people and I will give you some room. Power to the Contributors on on GC. Can't stop me now, brother!
00By: damond
10/8/2010 8:29:09 PM
Stallion, yes, in the past I had often urged you, Sheila, Joan and Gabe to remain objective in your views toward NNP, NDC and GULP. I am not a supporter of any of those political parties. I am simply an objective observer and commentator...I have supported Keith Mitchell on many issues he posed and challenged The NDC administration on...when he is on the money and in the best interest of the people, I will always back him on those. Simultaneously, his latest behaviors have cause grave concerns. Therefore, my personal views will continue to remain objective but defiant against Tillman Thomas.NDC, Keith Mitchell/NNP and any other political parites may appear to be exploiting the people to promote their own selfish objectives...I am a true believer in what Maurice had hope for our country. I will continue my online campaign to raise awareness of the NDC, NNP exploitation of our people. Power to the People!
00By: damond
10/8/2010 8:21:45 PM
First of all Just Saying, it's nice of you to make such suggestion, unfortunately, I am not interested in running for political office in our country/Grenada...a place where people may want to kill me simply for my non-status quo views...I am a radical who see things quite differently...some of our folk can get down really low and dirty. In fact, some elements can react like a crack head...they may hate or kill you simply beacuse they like they way one walks, talks, looks, his family background, the same time, I don't believe in the cow head, drink of white rum, a few chicken here, a pig there, a fete for the boys...especially a few weeks before the election...I don't believe in compromising my values and principles and that in itself alone may anger many. I'm a social activist but willing to lend whatever support I can to help finance the campaign and election of anyone who depicts our late beloved Peace Minister Maurice Bishop's altruistic attitude and leadership move Grenada forward.
00By: Damond
10/8/2010 8:11:09 PM
All these smart people here Damond,Hangman,Gabe,Littleboy,Joan Stallion.Why you guys donot form a united front and run in the next election?it seems that ideas flow at will from you guys.I can see that grenada is at heart,that is lacking with the politicans to move Grenada forward,think about it guys,you donot have to agree on everything but am show things will get done.
00By: Just Saying
10/8/2010 6:10:58 PM
damond,thanks for the observation about changing sides.well sir,as you know,i was a staunch supporter of the ndc when they came into office.but i would be a damn fool to keep supporting a party that not doing what we elected them to do.i am disappointed in ndc for things like the vat,maritime border,among other things.i don't see why speaking out against ndc policy means that i am unstable.i am just looking out for myself and my kids future.and i thank keith for keeping the heat on tillman to at least keep some of his promises.i respectfully disagree with your assessment damond.
00By: stallion
10/8/2010 5:20:42 PM