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Kelvin 'Pussy' Antoine, who was convicted and jailed for the shooting death of St. John's resident, Cosley Beharry on Christmas Day 2007 is now a free man. The shooting of Beharry occurred after an altercation between the two men. Antoine pleaded guilty to the lesser charge of manslaughter but was charged with murder. Last year, Justice Lyle St. Paul sentenced him to eight years in prison, however, Antoine appealed his sentence to the Eastern Caribbean Court of Appeal and his appeal was upheld, leading to his freedom.


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I am very distraught, but not surprised at the legal ruling in the Kelvin "Pussey's" case. It appears as though inhumane and barbaric criminal acts against human beings tend to carry a more lenient punishment than thievery--steal a coconut, some cabbages, oranges, etc. and the you are likely to spend double the time a murderer will spend behind bars. These quasi legal minds here in Grenada and the Caribbean, especially our prosecutors are ill-equipped to handle such high criminal acitivities--many are proned to bribery, others are influenced by social and political affiliations. It would be very interesting to learn how some of these guys go to be each night. It's ashame that none of these quasi and socal legal brains has the moral character to take the grieving family and/or children agony into consideration when rendering justice. Simultaneously, who long as it's not against my family, I don't give a not that the message our corrupt and ill-equipped justice systems throughout Grenad and the Caribbean region sending? Barbaric and inhumane acts against humanity, especially when it involves the taking of a life should never be excused. The U.N. Human Rights Day is celebrated on Friday, December 10. Our quasi...hand me down British Justice System and the U.N. Human Rights are all a sham to us, Caribbean people. Who is fighting on the side of the VICTIMS---Who is Fighting for those left to carry on the agony?
00By: damond
12/8/2010 8:50:12 AM
as much as we hate the freeing of this man,he has served his time.the time has come for a review of the justice system.too much injustice.
00By: stallion
11/25/2010 5:52:48 PM
Salim although i do agree with you on some aspect of your posting i then have to desent from your account of the gang of 17 and address you on the sentence handed down to (PUSSY) First the gang of 17 guys if you remember it was the privy council/court of appeal in london and the caribbean court of justices who argued and gave their ruling re the lenght of sentence that was handed down to these barbaric murderous men and yes some of us in the caribbean is still tied to the legal rulings from london as for Pussy well this is a different matter which is closer to home from a legal point of view and it was for the prosecutor in the case together with the penalty sentencing band which should be bought into question because in the case of a charge of manslaughter being prefered to murder and that is where the legal /sentencing board is at fault because for such crime should have carried a sentence of not less that 10 years in prison because this crime was of a deliberate mature,it was cold blooded and it is about time we look more closely at our sentencing laws and where needs be to amend the tariff to fit the crime yes we must send a message to thoes law breakers who think our sentencing penalty is soft.
00By: gabe
11/25/2010 10:26:20 AM
I guess the release of Bernard Coard, Hudson, Austin and the rest of Group 17 have set a precedent for the legal system throughout the Caribbean reigion. Murder the leader and his cabinet and you can serve some years in prison, come out and then be employed by the said country's government. The release of Pussy only goes to show how inconsiderate 3rd world countries legal minds will continue to deal with barbaric crimes against law abiding citizens. Pussy is a free man while the children and families will continue to live in agony. It appears as though taking a person's life is cheaper than stealing cabages.
00By: Salim
11/25/2010 8:09:34 AM