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The authority and responsibility for changing around the Ministers of Government – or re-shuffling his Cabinet – lies with the Prime Minister of the day. But as with everything else touching and concerning the system of parliamentary Democracy, I very much doubt that any Prime Minister would take it upon himself, to go through the process of changing around his team – without prior consultation with the team as a whole, and the individual Ministers he has in mind to change around. To the same extent, I would expect members of the team to have different views on the matter to that of the Prime Minister. And even more so, for the ministers who are singled out for changes – to be opposed to the idea for one reason or another, until they are convinced by the Prime minister or the team as whole. And it goes without my saying so – that the over all control of the Prime Minister, and the level of respect and confidence that the team as a whole have in their Leader, these attributes will make all the difference as to how, and in what manner the individual and the team respond to the proposed changes. Of course, after all is said and done, and the final decision is made as to who moves from here to there to wherever – the end result must be for the over all benefit of the Governing party in control, as well as the Country and people in general. Assuming that the procedure outlined here, had been followed in the recent Cabinet Re-shuffle of those four Ministers – the behavior of the three Ministers who did not attend the swearing-in Ceremony at the Governor General’s residence last week Friday, most certainly raises a whole lot of un-answered questions, and leaves even more to be desired from those elected by the people, to act and behave in the interest of the people – and not that of their own selfish interests or personal hang-ups. The behaviour of the M.P from St. John is even more strange – because his demotion was as a result of not having followed the normal procedure, of getting Cabinet’s approval before proceeding on an overseas trip – according to the Prime Minister. We all are waiting with baited breath to see and hear where we go from here on in – because the rumours are making the rounds like wild-fire, and that cannot be a satisfactory state of affairs – for the NDC party, nor for the Government and people of the Tri-Island State – especially at this point in time when so many things are not what they should be. Only last week I was asking where are we heading politically, and I did not know at the time of any of the ins or outs, that must have led to what we are facing at the time of writing this article (Saturday 20th November), nor where we are heading. It has been common knowledge that the NNP in opposition has been campaigning all over the country for some months now, and even talking about selecting and naming Candidates for General Elections sooner or later down the road. And the mood and reaction relative to that pattern of behavior – with not even two and a half years of NDC current five years term in office yet expired – was more or less felt, seen or treated, as wishful thinking , or losers still clutching at straw and trying to boost their ego. In the events which have now transpired, and the un-certainty facing the people and the country in General – it almost looks as though those NNP witch-doctors had inside information from the other side, or they very wisely assessed the patterns of behaviour of those in control, and have correctly concluded that it was short-lived. In their anxiety, however, at the un-expected turn of events, which have given them a new lease of life as it were- the Leader went overboard, in publicly announcing that the NDC was in the process of plotting to willfully and criminally steal the next General Elections – whenever it is called. And to add insult to national injury – he went further to make some very character – damaging remarks about the supervisor of elections, by more or less alleging that she is part and parcel of the criminal plot, to derail the legitimate process, so as to assist the NDC Candidates to emerge as winners. Now if the opposition Leader has such evidence in his possession, he is duty-bound to make the same available – so as to save our people and the already struggling economic situation, from going through a process that will only result in challenges and legal disruptions that we simply cannot afford. In addition thereto, and in keeping up with the standards expected of persons holding such lofty positions, as that of leader of her Majesty’s Loyal opposition – and also the respect and regard such public officials must have for the Civil Servants who serve the people, until the contrary can be proved with valid evidence of wrong-doing. To just leave such damaging allegations hanging in mid-air, in the current state of affairs that is already causing serious concerns up and down the country – is almost like adding gas to fire, and that cannot be in the best interest of our people. As for the many other rumours and allegations making the rounds, on street corners, in the Rum Shops, in the market places and such like – the political atmosphere is so charged and over-loaded with hearsay and way-out allegations, that I fail to see how those in the driving seats could seriously control the wheels of power, and attend to the business of the people and the state without being distracted to the point of saying and doing the wrong things. From whichever angle, or point of focus the situation is being viewed from – in the present impasse facing the people and the powers-that-be, who still have the over-all responsibility and authority to control and manage the ship of state, in the interest and the good and welfare of all our people – regardless of where and on which side they are standing – the eventual out come, and the rationale that would, or could be advanced for having arrived at that eventuality, is anybody’s guess-work and no better than a lucky bingo draw. But whatever the eventual outcome maybe, the sad and gravely disturbing reality, would no doubt push us as a people way back behind the starting line we embarked upon a mere twenty-eight months ago. The rumour that those who were reshuffled for what ever reason- are considering abandoning the ship of mere convenience by which they attained their current positions, and embarking on a brand new model to take them to their version of the promised land. That day-time dream, while they are still very much awake, is so riddled with nightmares that I sincerely hope, for their own peace of mind and whatever future contribution they may still be able to make to their homeland – that they would abandon the very thought of such a suicidal move and come back down to earth. While I can see and appreciate, the kind of awkward situation they find themselves now facing – it was of their own making and they should be mature enough to face the outcome, in the very interest of the people and nation who elected them. On the other hand, the group as a whole owe a solemn duty and serious responsibility to the nation state to act in its best interest. Merely to hang on to power to save face, while the people and the country go further down the drain of economic recession – with no visible hope of recovery anytime soon - is of even a greater measure of dis-service, than plunging the state into another General Elections, less than halfway since the last one. We can only wait to see where we go from here on – and prayer to the Almighty to help us in this hour of greatest need. He alone knows exactly how we got to this bitter end, and how we can escape therefrom. The bitterness, the condemnations, the recriminations, and whatever else may be thrown into the current impasse – will get us nowhere, unless we behave and respond to the problems now facing us as a people, with maturity and common sense and in the interest of the people and country as a whole. By Lloyd Noel Attorney-at-law


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