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ST. GEORGE'S, September 6, 2008 – The Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition is compelled to call upon the Government of Grenada to respond with urgency to the cries of the people of this Nation who have been complaining that their financial suffering has increased dramatically since the new Government assumed office. The social safety programmes provided by the New National Party Government have been put on hold, which has resulted in depriving the most vulnerable persons in our society of urgently needed assistance. The voucher programmes that provided uniforms, school books (for secondary schools), transportation and milk and food are no longer available to families in dire need. Road works and construction have ground to a halt, putting significant pressure on construction companies, suppliers and their employees: Many of whom were working on a daily paid rate and are now without income at all without warning or notice. Activity among the foreign investors has slowed, and in some cases stopped, causing lay-offs and loss of revenues for workers, suppliers and even bus operators who used to bring those workers to their places of employment. Store owners are complaining about reduced sales resulting in hardships for their businesses and employees. The house repair programme has been put on hold, leaving families waiting for much needed assistance unable to repair their homes with repairs still waiting to start as well as some very uncomfortable circumstances where roof repair projects for example have been stopped in-progress causing great discomfort for them. There was also a programme that provided rent assistance valued approximately between $400-500 a month for families waiting to move into the housing projects sponsored by the Chinese and Venezuelan Governments. This rental assistance provided the only means available to these families for one of the most basic human needs – shelter. Bus operators are reporting a decline in the number of customers riding their busses as people try to reduce costs by travelling on essential trips only, which is now making it more difficult for bus operators to manage with the soaring cost of fuel. The Leader of the Opposition would like to remind the Government of Grenada that every dollar invested in the social safety net programmes now on hold provided trickle down effects in Grenada's economy, and the removal of this social spending is impacting a cross-section of society that goes far beyond the immediate beneficiaries of the programmes. The extent of this problem is highlighted by the overwhelming number of cries for help the Opposition has received in recent week, causing terrible concern about the plight of Grenadians. Therefore like to extend an invitation to the Government of Grenada to put partisanship aside to work to assist them in any way possible to immediately address these urgent needs before the consequences of failing to do so spiral beyond control. Office of the Opposition Inside Grenada News


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123456789101112 Pgs
There is no corruption charges in Grenada or the US against the EX PM or his government.You guys are a bunch of talkers the is no substance in it.Before the election you were talking shit about it.Where is the evidence moron?I hope people will learn that progress comes with risk.The EX PM made show that the country infrastructors were at par with the developing world.The Tillman government is bent on throwing us fifty years back.Stop complaing and work.There is no money find some use your brain.God save us from this cheap man.
00By: Tired
9/8/2008 7:08:13 AM
grenadians watch out this man is out to make trouble for the government and its people and it seems that he may be good at maths but has a pigs balls for brains or is he suffering from some sort of brains sickness called forgetfulness is he the same man who was the leader of the nnp in that last corrupted bunch of nasty people or has he been reformed i dont think so i said before that he will make trouble for this new government and that is all he will do he and hs bunch of four is going to be trouble .
00By: observer
9/8/2008 4:05:45 AM
Little boy stay in the closet,you fag.What so wrong with debt?We have a Government that complains about everything.You are elected to do a job,if you cannot just step down.I am just tired of the bitching and complains.The EX PM always got things done,the social programs stayed regardless,so little boy grow up and learn something.
00By: Outsider
9/8/2008 2:42:22 AM
keith used all the moey to campaign where will ndc get it to feed grenadians
00By: sweet
9/8/2008 12:23:44 AM
Outsider-You are a total moron and truly deserve the name outsider. When the good Lord was passing out brains, he obviously put yours in your backside instead of your head. DB is correct, you cannot expect a goverment to bounce back in a few days. Do you know why the cost of living is so high? I'll help you this one time eh. Its because idiots like you in Grenada do not want to share and pay taxes equally between all Grenadians. U doe like to pay anything, you just want it all for free. If taxes were shared equally between all, instead of giving a break to the ones who made the most money-like Goverment workers and ministers- and pays no taxes at all-this is the beginning of the problem, but you probably wont understand this anyway because of where your brains are located. Remember where it was placed instead of u head. Hey hey.
00By: LittleBoy
9/8/2008 12:16:20 AM
DB you reminds me of some people that prefers to die poor than take risk.Most nations and people that are progressive,are those that take chances.You are so back ward.Tillman needs a crash course in developement he talks a lot of nonsense when cost of living are through the roof,unemployment is rampant and people donot want to hear about past government.What can you do for me now.
00By: Outsider
9/7/2008 7:10:33 PM
Outsider,Grenadians waited 13 years for their victory.I think we could definitely wait 5 or 6 years for the cost of living to go down.As we all know,Rome was not built in one day.
00By: The Man
9/7/2008 6:50:00 PM
You are stupid as the NDC.Why we have to wait five or six years for cost of living to go down.You are a moron.The NDC Government only complains and bitches.We need strong leaders that will take chances to improve our country,that includes debts.
00By: Outsider
9/7/2008 6:07:04 PM
Keith Mitchel has been in power and has totally screwed up Grenada for some twelve or thirteen years. This new Goverment is only in for a few months. Give them time. It may actually take another five or six years to straighten things out, and hey idiot who says we don't have to worry about the debt we created, remember "When I borrow, I must pay back".
00By: DB
9/7/2008 4:52:51 PM
WE talk about debt as if it is bad.Who cares we need forward mobility.This cheap arse government wants to bring us back twenty years to pay some stupid debt.Every country is in debt to improve thier infracture and social programs.This government reminds me of the backward days.They are headed to America to beg.They are jokers.
00By: Outsider
9/7/2008 4:36:39 PM