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ST. GEORGE'S, September 6, 2008 – The Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition is compelled to call upon the Government of Grenada to respond with urgency to the cries of the people of this Nation who have been complaining that their financial suffering has increased dramatically since the new Government assumed office. The social safety programmes provided by the New National Party Government have been put on hold, which has resulted in depriving the most vulnerable persons in our society of urgently needed assistance. The voucher programmes that provided uniforms, school books (for secondary schools), transportation and milk and food are no longer available to families in dire need. Road works and construction have ground to a halt, putting significant pressure on construction companies, suppliers and their employees: Many of whom were working on a daily paid rate and are now without income at all without warning or notice. Activity among the foreign investors has slowed, and in some cases stopped, causing lay-offs and loss of revenues for workers, suppliers and even bus operators who used to bring those workers to their places of employment. Store owners are complaining about reduced sales resulting in hardships for their businesses and employees. The house repair programme has been put on hold, leaving families waiting for much needed assistance unable to repair their homes with repairs still waiting to start as well as some very uncomfortable circumstances where roof repair projects for example have been stopped in-progress causing great discomfort for them. There was also a programme that provided rent assistance valued approximately between $400-500 a month for families waiting to move into the housing projects sponsored by the Chinese and Venezuelan Governments. This rental assistance provided the only means available to these families for one of the most basic human needs – shelter. Bus operators are reporting a decline in the number of customers riding their busses as people try to reduce costs by travelling on essential trips only, which is now making it more difficult for bus operators to manage with the soaring cost of fuel. The Leader of the Opposition would like to remind the Government of Grenada that every dollar invested in the social safety net programmes now on hold provided trickle down effects in Grenada's economy, and the removal of this social spending is impacting a cross-section of society that goes far beyond the immediate beneficiaries of the programmes. The extent of this problem is highlighted by the overwhelming number of cries for help the Opposition has received in recent week, causing terrible concern about the plight of Grenadians. Therefore like to extend an invitation to the Government of Grenada to put partisanship aside to work to assist them in any way possible to immediately address these urgent needs before the consequences of failing to do so spiral beyond control. Office of the Opposition Inside Grenada News


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Perhaps you settle in brooklyn and think that is just one state and in america called new York so you think you could treat people like you want because of you little knowledge including spreading rumours on your own people like that minister I don't like Hangman because of what he does to people character at first I say the boy is not bad but afterwards I read on I say this boy is crazy and I am still reading on if you cant say good "doh" say bad.
00By: cheryl
9/24/2008 8:22:21 AM
Outsider and Hangman you both really make yourselves sound as two bush bugs who really think new york is america and america is New York as for that insulting hangman you both are alike. I hope roots don't try to eductae you and hangman again or communicate with you two. I went and read all what hangman had to say to her and she good eh, roots look like a person who has a lot to say but she want to hold back out of respect just for grenadian connection I can read through her lines and see where she is coming from she is really plain talk and no hypocrite maybe I will take over from where she left off who wants a go? I read grenada today Hangman is locked up in prison he dont know the programmes for books started plus there is a lot going on that NDC is doing stop coming here and spread rumours or else I'll take over if I hear any more negativity for this Hangman.
00By: family
9/24/2008 8:15:00 AM
You are a liar he never said he likes keith.He wrote about the social programs,why u are against it?your heart is cold.You said you wanted to enjoy your money do so and leave poor people are making a fool of yourself.At least hangman knows when to stop.Give peace a chance.
00By: Outsider
9/23/2008 2:06:55 PM
outsider I am out of here you telling me hangman have sense.The dude is delerious Why you stirring up things for hangman you well know he don't come across sensible if he was sensible he will not say this things in Grenada today. He should indeed look at the picture this government has already painted worldwide and its looks serious, look deeper and look foward and see why programmes cut or hear what the government is saying it's all a shame. why you and hangman acting so obvious. I don't want to be on a blog with unfair people this is so unfair I have seen the bigger picture and why can't you and hangman see that. I dont know why NDC try to help grenadians I feel sorry for them now, if they knew then what they say they know now I wonder if they would of take the country but someone had to do it even though its a hard job. I really feel for NDC it must be hard for them making hard decisions but I know they will come on top I pray that thay do. I am not political I have never fought any government in power. I am a Grenadian thats all one who knows that there is a time and a season for everything under the sun so I am now supporting Grenada as I usually do.YOu not a nice person you just leading hangman on and you sitting back and laughing your ass of but I am gone now so good luck. I gave you and hangman enough of my precious time find someone else to ask for blood and to amuse your sad selves. we don't need each other.
00By: roots
9/23/2008 12:55:46 PM
hangman I meant you bring out the worst in me I am not a person you mention blood around, outsider and hangman you are just as bad as each other bim and bam the ugly twins eve and evil. I seen to much people blood spilled for no good reason. I am a good person stop what you doing you studying to curse up roots so much that if roots give you advice you refuses it. Roots is telling you its early days yet for complaining I think happiness is beating you and hangman lazy ass. Hangman you are digging a hole for your beloved PM Think deeper you say this cut and that cut you feel its a easy decision to cut this and that stop vexing people boy. You are a young boy and everything you ass hard to listen listen to me and Gabe and work together stop initiating things, there is nothing bad about me shut your mouth. I told you I speak plain you wont like me. whether you like the government or not they now have the power I wont say more you need someone to put you on the straight and narrow that's why roots is here. You are a very rude little boy and I realise you young and reckless you dont see things as they are perhaps you mean well you really love your beloved Jonah but think long and hard if you love him as you say you do keep your powder dry.
00By: roots
9/23/2008 12:35:53 PM
Roots, how you like thing so.Shame on you,everyting is cursing and bitching for u let it be new topic.If you good looking and lonley that is doubble ugly.
00By: Outsider
9/23/2008 11:31:29 AM
First of all you all are entitled to your own opinion but please do not try to ram it down peoples throat, As a Grenadian I saw the need for change and I recognise that change do not come overnight it's something that we as grenadians have to work at whenever it comes around. Negatitive critism on the web Critism will not help to build the country image. I am sure the new government have the nations best intrest at heart as for the young boy/ or old man telling me how ugly I am where do you know me from I do not need to hear from you how I am it does not move me the least. although I was fortunate to be blessed with good looks its whats on the inside that matters beauty is not just skin deep it goes further than that. I will now count from one to ten and take a deep breath instead of writing all this dirty words. Hangman you bring You are the grenadaian. It's time for you to join with the government and work together for the good of the country. If you think they are doing something wrong why dont you attend a meeeting detailing your points and also telling them how you could help them see them face to face make yourself look smart and presentable one day and go down to see the Prime Minister he looks well approachable but mind you break the looking class on that morning ok May god Bless you and may he also restore you sense of humour and give you strength to make the journey to see the PRIME MINISTER! PM TILLMAN THOMAS TO HAVE A DISCUSSION SO HE COULD EXPLAIN THINGS TO YOU. I AM HERE READING YOUR LITTLE COMPLAINTS BUT DONT THINGS RUN DEEPER THAN THAT HANGMAN IF YOU DON'T STOP COMPLAINING YOU MIGHT END UP MAKING THINGS WORSE FOR YOU KNOW WHO IF YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN? SO BE QUIET YOU MIGHT THINK YOU ARE DOING GOOD? GO AWAY FROM THIS BLOG HANGMAN
00By: roots
9/23/2008 10:39:14 AM
9/23/2008 10:21:27 AM
00By: roots
9/23/2008 10:07:22 AM
Good morning mr Hangman,mr Observer,and the Outsider,greetings ,mr outsider tell me you say that i am evil well if you think so then you must know me,observer when i write anything on this columm it is for people to read it and look at the bigger picture and them discuss it, it is not to score points as to who is the most cleverest or smartest because you see at this time in point what we need in grenada and again i say thank god for grenadian connection for giving us the chance to air our views so that we can have debates, positive debates which for to long we were starved of as for hangman sir this colum is not for who is the cleverest but for thoes who can put forward challenging questions ,you see sir for to long some people would be quite happy spending their days in the rum shops and let the world just pass them by but for me i say this is our country ,this is our government therefore we are entitled to talk /discuss the issues that concern us all so that by doing so we can make a difference within our government thats why we were given the right to vote and mr observer be positive and dont be a follower and set some examples so that our young ones can follow the positives that we are putting out, because god knows we need some positives for our people in spice isles and her sister isles.
00By: gabe
9/23/2008 10:02:45 AM