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St. George’s, Grenada: The New National Party has learnt from a reliable source that the NDC administration is planning to seek the arrests of certain members of the top leadership of the NNP on trumped-up charges relating to promises which they made during their pre-election campaign. Despite being advised by certain eminent legal professionals that there is absolutely no basis for filing any charges against the NNP leadership, the NDC administration seemingly has gone ahead in hiring a special prosecutor from outside of the country, at tremendous financial cost, in order to harass the NNP leadership. In the opinion of the NNP, this harassment is being done for three main reasons: i. to appease certain NDC supporters who have been severely critical of the NDC administration for not following upon their pre-election allegations of corruption against the NNP, and ii. to instigate a diversionary tactic so that Grenadians may tend to forget the dire economic woes which the country is now facing iii. to distract Grenadians from the division and deteriorating conditions within the NDC Government and Party. Grenadians will recall that since coming into government in July 2008, the present NDC administration has done absolutely nothing to improve the lives of Grenadians. Grenadians are in a worse position today than in July of 2008. The Health care system is on the verge of collapse; many poor and disadvantaged people have to pay more for their children’s school books today than two and a half years ago; moreover, there are fewer job opportunities today. All these have come about as a result of the gross mishandling of the economy by the NDC government. The NDC administration, by their direct actions, has chased away investment opportunities, as was done with the Grand Beach Project, the Sauteurs Port Project and others. They stultified other employment opportunities as in the CCC and Grenville Market Square and Bus Terminal projects. They continue to mismanage the country’s scarce resources by engaging in many non-productive travelling arrangements for ministers , the un-necessary purchase of voter registration equipment costing over two million dollars at a time when our people are suffering from the effects of mass unemployment which is now nearing almost fifty percent and in the payment of elaborate salaries for their close associates. The NDC’s actions have led the country into such an economic malaise that it is causing deep national frustration among all sectors including the business and private sectors. The New National Party is therefore strongly advising Grenadians that they must not be fooled by any attempt by the NDC to divert their attention from the economic state of affairs of the country which has been caused by the NDC and worsened by the division within the NDC camp. Grenadians must see the NDC for what they are. They do not know how to govern and they do not care about people, except themselves. The New National Party stands solidly behind the leadership of the party, and will be keeping the public apprised of this ugly plot. From the New National Party


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123 Pgs
Correction for Mr Salim from Gabe- I DO NOT VOTE NNP
00By: gabe
12/23/2010 9:46:14 AM
Salim sleep well and rest assured that i gabe will not be in you and yours firing line for mr bone head you should know by now that Mr Gabe is solid ,transparent ,acountable, and truthful,and a country man who is not swayed by all that glitters and will never sell his country or his people for thirty pieces of silver,and i do vote NNP.
00By: gabe
12/23/2010 9:43:57 AM
something stinks here prime much as we grenadians need answers to past nnp actions,now is not the right time to haul past ministers into court.the government need to concentrate now on jobs and the economy.
00By: stallion
12/23/2010 8:50:51 AM
And Gabe, I hope they come after you should be investigated to unravel whether or not you benefited in any way.
00By: salim
12/23/2010 7:27:39 AM
We want all parties involved fully investigated...NDC, NNP and even GULP...the land deals that went on must also be part of the investigation...even the governor general should be investigated. It's the right moment to let those who have abused the people's power know er are not going to take it anymore. A strong message must be sent. I hope the prosecutor is not too gullible and cannot be easily bribed...a common practice here in Grenada and the Caribbean region. Let's set a's a new form of revolution, meant to rid the country of corruption. Should anyone found guilty, I hope their properties would seized to repay every cent stolen. It's a shame we do not have the police discipline, objectivity,intelligence and resources to do the job ourselves.
00By: salim
12/23/2010 7:26:13 AM