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Fellow citizens of Grenada, Carriacou and Petite Martinique, it is a great honor and a privilege for me to address you on this significant milestone in our nation’s development, the thirty-sixth anniversary of Independence. As we celebrate we must remember to take time out to reflect on our journey as a nation and our many achievements. As a small island nation, we have been through some very dark days and bright ones too, but in the end we can proudly say that our many achievements and successes far outweigh the challenges, the struggles, the disasters and stumbling blocks that often stood in our way. Today we salute those who have made our independence in 1974 a reality. In particular, we salute the late Sir Eric Matthew Gairy for his vision and determination and all other Grenadians at home and abroad who have contributed to Grenada’s development since we attained our independence from Great Britain in 1974. Indeed, we have come a long way and must be extremely proud. As we look ahead, let us be mindful that true independence is a process. While we have made tremendous progress, we still have a long road to travel as a nation. The vision of the New National Party’s Administration has always been to create a healthy, educated, prosperous and productive nation and we have accomplished many milestones in this regard. Despite our limited resources, I firmly believe that we can accomplish this vision which must be fully accomplished before we can boast of being fully independent. Our dependence on others to feed us is just one example of the work which is still to be accomplished. For this reason, we appeal to the current NDC administration to spend less time on the politics of hate, spite and victimization and focus on the long term vision for building this country. As a nation we can achieve much more if we are able to unite our efforts for the good of Grenada. Our 36th anniversary as a nation comes at a time when many Grenadians are losing hope; when the economy is in a catastrophic state; and when we are lead by an administration that is doing everything possible to destroy the progress we have made as a nation. Ladies and gentlemen there is no question that our country is yet again on a most dangerous path. We have been once again taken from the high place of hope, to the depths of what many now view as hopelessness. Despite this situation, we are a resilient people and I am very optimistic that as a nation we will overcome. Today let us give thanks to almighty God for his grace and mercies and for taking us thus far as a nation. We give thanks to the many Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Farmers, Fishermen, Dockworkers, Civil Servants, Policemen and women, Business men and women, road workers, Vendors Community organizations and all those who work hard on a daily basis to build our country. Your efforts are greatly appreciated. Fellow citizens, let us ensure that the Grenadian spirit continues to carry us upwards and onwards. Let us continue to demonstrate our love for one another, recognizing that selfless acts bring the most satisfying rewards. I therefore call on all Grenadians at home and abroad, on this occasion, to recommit our love and dedication to our country. Let us all continue to work hard to build this beautiful land of ours. Let us continue to be patriotic citizens who are ever conscious of God as we continue to build and advance as a nation. May the God who holds our future in the palm of his hand, continue to grant us peace and prosperity as we move forward together as a nation. Happy Independence to everyone. Happy Birthday Grenada!!!!. May God continue to bless us.


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