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Fellow Grenadians, the time has come once again to greet you on the occasion of the celebration of Financial Information Month. As you would know by now, the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank has, since 2001, been partnering with financial institutions, the media, private and public sector institutions and community groups to promote a regional financial education campaign. This campaign, during the month of October, can be considered an annual event in the calendar of the islands of the region, focusing on improving the public’s understanding of financial and economic issues. The theme for this year is: “Make your Dreams a Reality…Save and Invest Wisely”. This theme could not have been more relevant at this time, given the financial turmoil that has been happening globally and the resulting challenges that are presented to one and all. As was said by our Prime Minister in his national address on September 7th, “we are all aware of the difficult and challenging times we face daily, as we seek to provide for our families and ourselves. Every country in this region, and indeed the world, is challenged.” In addition, Grenada has had the unfortunate experience of its citizens suffering losses through investments in CAP Bank, SGL Holdings, British American Insurance Company and CLICO. What this teaches us is that we need to exercise more caution and thoroughness in financial decision making. One of the solutions to preventing a reoccurrence of these experiences is individuals taking responsibility for their financial lives and managing their finances prudently. This means researching, analyzing and investigating prior to making expenditure and investment decisions. It also means sticking to a realistic savings plan and not falling for ‘get rich quickly’ schemes. The end result will be sound and prudent financial investments. Remember, if something seems too good to be true, then it is too good to be true. This year’s theme highlights the ultimate objective of the Financial Information Month initiative, which is to empower all persons to save and make the types of investments that will allow each individual to build wealth, become financially secure, and realize their future dreams. To this end, a number of initiatives have been planned locally, at the community level and for the schools. These include: 1. Discussions on radio and television on managing money, planning for retirement and other relevant topics; 2. Daily financial tips and radio quizzes; 3. School competitions; 4. Visits to Primary and Secondary Schools and Parent Teacher’s Associations by representatives from financial institutions, to hold discussions on savings, wise use of money, budgeting, financial planning and entrepreneurship; 5. A financial exhibition at the public libraries in St. George’s and St. John’s; 6. Mini Financial fairs in Carriacou and Grenville on Saturday October 9th; and 7. A grand Financial Fair on Friday October 22nd at the courtyard of the Esplanade Mall in St. George’s. I encourage everyone to participate in these activities and make good use of the opportunity to learn about making sound financial decisions. If you are in St. George’s on Friday 22nd, stop by at the Esplanade Mall Courtyard and get free financial advice and learn of the various products offered by our financial institutions. Don’t let such an excellent opportunity go to waste. And, as I have said in the past two years, although October is officially designated Financial Information Month, we must seek to continue these efforts beyond the month, if we really want to have a sound financial future and make our dreams a reality. It is therefore with great pleasure that I declare the start of Financial Information Month 2010. Thank you!


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Personally, I tend to think the officials at the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank are as corrupt as Nazim Burke and some of our government officials here in Grenada.Here are my reasons why: 1. Why haven't they forced Tillman Thomas to launch a thorough investigation into the NDC money issues (Briefcase-Me Money and money laundering) allegations against Keith Mitchell...or is NDC using such allegations as a distractions to their own ill fated decisions against the people of Grenada? 2. Why haven't they demanded our current government conduct a thorough and speedily investigation into the Cap-Bank failure and theft of the people's money? In addition, why did Nazim and his government increase the VAT by 200% on goods and services without the people's involvement (did Nazim and Burke hold town hall meetings then?), hiked the salaries of government employees...employed those who committed gruesome crimes against the state (Group of 17) at extremely high salaries... all of a sudden he wants to have town hall meetings to educate the people on financial literacy? Financial literacy should not be taught by someone who is attempting to justify why he felt it necessary to further burden the people for his own selfish gain. Financial literacy should be part of the educational system. Not from a man who does not have the economic common sense to know that to levee taxes on a struggling economy is really voodoo economics...further escalation of business failure, triple rise in the unemployment rate, serious problems for foreign investors, increase in the poverty rate, increase in the crime, which some way or the other would inevitably lead to political and social unrest. Power to the Memory of our Peace Minister Maurice Bishop.
00By: damond
10/8/2010 4:52:50 AM
Nazim, let's be real here "The Eastern Caribbean Central Bank has, since 2001 engaged in working with financial institutions" If what you claimed is true, why have not the Eastern Caribbean Central Bank come to the aid and assisted those who have been victimized, defrauded and ripped off of their life's savings by CAP-BANK, which you and others benefited from...why have you refused to assist those individuals in the recovery process of their monies? Why Mr. Nazim do so will be at the forefront of your honesty and financial literacy plan for everyone...let's do the right thing...not just do things right.
00By: damond
10/5/2010 8:48:00 PM