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ST.GEORGE’S, GRENADA - The development of the Grenada’s agricultural sector, climate change, investment in tourism and the current drought conditions in Grenada, were among matters discussed when Prime Minister, Hon. Tillman Thomas met with the Executive Secretary of the Economic Commission for Latin America, (ECLAC), Alicia Barcena on Wednesday at the Grenadian by Rex Resorts. In response to inquiries from the ECLAC Executive Secretary about the government’s priorities, the Prime Minister re-emphasized the importance of developing the agribusiness sector, in view of its importance to job creation, income generation and food security for Grenada. “We have significant potential in agribusiness, especially in processing, which if exploited, can provide jobs to our people and generate significant foreign exchange, through the export of the products generated,” the Prime Minister told Ms. Barcena. He also pointed to the need for the expansion of the tourism plant and training for young Grenadians, to further improve the country’s human resource potential. He spoke of the need to decentralize economic development, to ensure the “entire country benefitted. The ECLAC official said her agency is willing to discuss the country’s requirements with other agencies and governments, who “may be in a position to assist”, especially in areas associated with efforts aimed at mitigation and adaptation to climate change. “We are in a position to seek avenues for private-public joint venture relationships which can assist Grenada’s development,” Ms Barcena said, noting that the current drought conditions could attract some investment in desalination infrastructure. Both Prime Minister Thomas and Ms Barcena agreed that the region’s drought situation was a result of climate change and pledged to work together, to ensure funds earmarked for Small Island Development States at the Copenhagen Climate Change Conference reached their desired destination. She promised to work towards providing scholarships in areas of technological advances that will directly and immediately benefit Grenada.


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12 Pgs
Today, in the British budjet when it came to(Tax avoidance) it was announced that a new tax agreement will be signed in the next few days between Belize, Grenada and Dominica. So those poor who have lived in England and saved a bit for their retirement in Grenada will perhaps pay tax on what they save in Grenada I think its digusting that a govenment who cannot supply water to its people is getting involved in another country tax laws/rules. There are some people who have both Grenadain and British nationality who will find this Government behaviour out of order. This government will pay at the next election
00By: veronica
3/24/2010 1:21:31 PM
maybe nnp have a better solution to the problem.why don't they share it with the rest of us.
00By: stallion
3/22/2010 6:30:47 PM