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The former head of the National Disaster Management Agency (NADMA), Mr. Sylvan Mc Intyre has been called up by the Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CEDMA) and has been appointed to Act as Director of Regional Coordination Centre (RCC) which has responsibility for coordinating on behalf of CARICOM, all disaster related responses to Haiti, including: Goods, Services, Personnel, Resources and Pledges. CEDMA made a request to the Government of Grenada for Mr. Mc Intyre who is an Assistant Superintendent of Police (ASP). The Government graciously consented to their request. A source close to CEDMA says " Mr. Mc Intyre, is the ideal man for the job. He has a wealth of experience and knowledge in this field. His leadership of his countries disaster agency prior to and after Hurricane’s Ivan and Emily’s destruction of Grenada in 2004 and 2005 respectively, was exemplary. We are very confident he will provide great leadership to the effort we are called to perform in Haiti." Mr. Mc Intyre and his team have been deployed in Haiti after spending a number of weeks in Barbados. While in Haiti, Mr. Mc Intyre will be Head of Emergency Operation Centre (EOC). Their duties will be to work along with and provide support to the Civil Defense Commission of Haiti. The areas of specialty includes: Physical Support, General Guidelines in the recovery process relative to relief supplies, Shelter and Temporary Accommodation particularly distribution of supplies. A critical task to be under taken by EOC is to provide guidance for the development or design of instrument in disaster management. In September 2009, Haiti became a member of CEDMA; therefore the region has the responsibility to assist in shaping the future of the country. It’s a huge task hence it is crucial that we get the best resources in the region to spear head this effort. It will not be a quick fix solution to this disaster. Our brothers and sisters in Haiti have suffered tremendously over the years hence we have to do all that we can to help them rebuild their country the best way possible.


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People here at home, regionally and internationally knew of the leadership qualities of Mr Mc Intyre in Disaster Management, except the NDC and especially the minister of National Security who labeled his leadership of NADMA as inept and sent him back to the police force. But we all know better. The NDC in opposition promised that there will be no victimization, but as we have come to realized one thing was said in campaign but a totally different thing is done as they form the government. Congrats Mr Mc Intyre,continue to make your country proud.
00By: Pastor Garraway
3/23/2010 5:09:34 PM
I hope to live to see the day when as a Grenadian people, we will put what is best for the country first and not our narrow partisan political views. Mr. McIntyre is arguably the most qualified and competent person regionally in the field of Disaster Management with a reservoir of experience and training and what did the present government do, they sent him back to do police duties because he held the post under the past government and might be seen as being associated with them (I should think). It is good to see that his work and talent has been recognized by regional bodies and he is now in a position where he can use his experience to serve the Caribbean people. Sometimes God breaks you down in order to lift you up. To the present government I say: try to break this pattern of politicians putting party before country (this is not about NDC or NNP or GULP or whatever, it is what is best for our country).Let us try to change this culture, otherwise, we will not progress as a people.
00By: susan
3/21/2010 8:04:34 AM
its really good to see that our Caribbean people saw the hard work of this gentleman and how his knowledge and experience are of great importance and are being put to good use in assisting our neighboring island in need. congrats and continue to do a good job sir.
00By: nibo
3/20/2010 5:21:59 PM
A classic case of a King who has been given no honour in his country. Hard work and dedication pays off. Way to go Mr. Mc Intyre.
00By: L. Alexander
3/20/2010 11:57:16 AM
Son of the soil, do your best we are ONE CARIBBEAN make us proud.
00By: A Francis
3/19/2010 1:26:54 PM