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The demolishing last week by the Government of Grenada of the home of the single-parent family headed by 31 year old Debra Felix, on Government land at Hope\Mt. Fan, St. Andrew’s, is heartless, callous and unfeeling. So says Dr Francis Alexis, condemning the demolition. Alexis notes that Ms. Felix provides a home for six little children, ages 15 to 6 years , is currently pregnant , and is unemployed. The demolishing of her home, even though it is on Government land, is cruel and inhuman treatment meted out to her by Government, which is morally reprehensible, says Alexis. Moreover, Alexis adds, Government’s treatment of Ms. Felix is also constitutionally worrying. This is because the homes of other persons in the same locality who too are on Government lands were not demolished , when Ms. Felix is an open activist for an opposition political party, while the other persons are not. This, says Alexis , smells of political victimization , of the rotten kind frowned upon by the Constitution of Grenada . Alexis is calling upon the Government to make full amends to the Felix family urgently for this grievous wrong done by Government .


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1234 Pgs
Sam,are you (BORED?)are you a Priest if not you should be.LOl
00By: Dc
1/24/2010 12:47:40 PM
DC thats if you know the lords prayer ? Much less to advise prayer ? Clearly you have no love in you and you are hurting somewhere.
00By: sam
1/24/2010 6:31:31 AM
Good Night to you all, I have realized you guys have taken issues because I have decided to be the voice of the people in my country who are been taken advantage off by the people we have voted in to rule us. To attack me and not the issues is a clear example of the condition of your heart, according to the bible "...desperately wicked". I live here and I know the pains of the people. I live with it daily. You guys are not in my country and are not prepared to listen to the cries of those hurting. I get this feeling you are talking passionately about the plight of the people of Haiti, and maybe if I was to write here about their suffering that would be ok with you. But my fellow Grenadians who are suffering as a result of the actions of our Government I should not talk about it. How strange. As I have said before, my example is Jesus Christ. He suffered many things for our salvation and deliverance. And He was called many names by those who oppose Him. This is a very small thing in my book if you call me names for doing the works of the Lord. But then again, You profess that you are sinners, so where you get the authority to think you can direct or advise me what I should deal with. For one the devil will not want me to do the works of the Lord. But I have news for him. Satan your kingdom and your angels do not have the power over the servant of God. Your portion is the lake of fire and all your angels. My advise to all those who oppose to my standing up for the suffering people of my country as a result of the actions of the Government, change your ways before its to late. And for your comfort, as long as the lord continue to grant it, I will be standing up for the people.
00By: Pastor Garraway
1/23/2010 8:58:21 PM
Sam you need some serious prayers!!you trallop!!!
00By: DC
1/23/2010 8:05:20 PM
DC you making everyone here knows you are a fool.because you are the fool that you are you should shut up because as you open your mouth you let the cat out of the bag. Everyone has a contribution to make here except you, who is just ranting and raving as if you were never brought by a mother ,much less a father.If you have nothing constructive to say just stoping puting otheres down and that will be the road to go so people would,not know you are a fool.stop.
00By: sam
1/23/2010 3:07:49 PM
Pastor what kind of church do you lead? You are unbelievable, you should be more understanding.It`s Pastor`s like you that will go down in (Hell) by their heads!!! Pastor you belong to the DEVIL!!
00By: DC
1/23/2010 9:54:21 AM
Sheila Jones who the hell you think you are!! Who made you God?Remember you are nothing in the sight of God.Go and repent
00By: dc
1/23/2010 9:48:55 AM
Good morning The Man sir i take my hat off to you for i to believe that this pastor is a sheep in wolf clothing in other words someone who hides behind the good book,isay this because one could see the way in which he constantly lambast this government present government and another thing if he is so godfearing as he claimed can he tell us sinners if he and his congregations have made any collection to assist /help this unfortunate woman in her great time of need or is he playing politics i think it is the latter.
00By: gabe
1/23/2010 4:41:38 AM