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NEW YORK – Grenadians in New York continue to support the relief effort in Haiti six months after an earthquake killed thousands of people and caused widespread destruction. GRENCAP United, an umbrella organisation of Grenadian nationals in the New York Metropolitan Area, last week presented a cheque for $10,700.00 to the Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) to assist in its charity work in Haiti. The money was raised at a February 21 Haiti Cultural Benefit Concert organised by GRENCAP United and the Consulate-General of Grenada and which included many of Grenada’s top performers as well as some New York-based Haitian entertainers who all performed free. “Our hope is that this gesture will go a long way in easing the sufferings of the people of Haiti,” said GRENCAP’s deputy chairman Roy McKenzie in presenting the cheque to Derris Krause of ADRA. Consul General Derrick James said that extensive research was done in selecting the Maryland-based ADRA. “We do hope that the money will be used as expected since we have heard some sad stories about the relief efforts.” ADRA is responsible for an internally displaced persons (IDP) camp on the campus of the Adventist University in Carrefour, just outside the capital of Port-au-Prince. The camp is home to 20,000 Haitians who are living in tents and makeshift shelters because they simply have nowhere to go, according to ADRA. “We consider you to be partner,” Krause told members of GRENCAP who also included Secretary Merle Clarke and Treasurer Raymond Layne. “We are happy that you have done research and found our organisation met your needs. The money will be restricted to work in Haiti,” he said. The Grenadian community has provided monetary and other support to the people of Haiti in the aftermath of the earthquake on January 12. Last month the Grenada Independence Anniversary Committee of New York presented $1,200.00 to the Haitian Relief Fund, through the Haitian Apostolate in Brooklyn, New York. The money was collected from patrons at the 2010 Independence Dinner and Gala Awards Committee in February, as a contribution to the Haitian Relief. Also attending the small presentation ceremony were Yolande Milfort and Nancy Hiraral of the Consulate-General of Haiti in New York. From Michael Bascombe


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