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St. George’s, Grenada: Members of Her Majesty’s Opposition believes that the state owned National Water and Sewerage Authority (NAWASA) is a victim of the fiscal initiatives and destructive policies of the NDC administration. This view was expressed when General Manager of the Authority Mr. Christopher Husbands and his team recently met with a six member delegation from the Opposition. The meeting was requested by NAWASA to provide information on NAWASA’s decision to change its rates effective April, 2010. According to Mr. Husbands, the new rates are expected to result in an increase of about 25 to 30% for domestic customers. In his response, Dr. Mitchell explained that the Opposition fully understands the need for NAWASA to have sufficient resources to provide the necessary essential services to the country but indicated that he cannot support an increase in rates at this time when the economic situation is so stressful for the people particularly the poor and vulnerable. He also pointed out that at this time unemployment is at its highest and that the Government has decided to impose a 15% consumption tax on the people despite the economic situation in the country. It was then suggested that NAWASA should demand payment from the Government for large outstanding bills rather than ask poor ordinary Grenadians to pay more. The Opposition delegation congratulated the state owned company for the job it has been doing in these difficult times of lack of rainfall. He also advised NAWASA that in the future more consultations must be held with the general public and with stakeholders before decisions on important matters such as new rates are taken. Meanwhile, the Opposition delegation also took the opportunity to raise some concerns about the current problems faced by residents in some areas as a result of the water shortage. Concerns were also raised about the process involved in removing standpipes, and the discontinuation of assistance with water bills for the vulnerable in many areas.


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123 Pgs
Damond, I must congratulate you for the level of maturity you displayed in your last posting. I suggest that you read the last commentary by Mr. Lloyd Noel an ardent supporter and adviser to the NDC. Gabe, I suggest that you read it also. I know whenever I write against your party the NDC you always take issue with me. Well, as I have said repeatedly to you, all I am about is enlightening my people. I just can't stand the lies and insensitivity of our Government. Peace.
00By: Pastor Garraway
3/28/2010 6:56:20 PM
My comrades-gabe and Ricky, I like reading your comments. It's quite interesting to recognize how "in-box" your thoughts are...your audience would better appreciate your objectivity and shy away from those subjective as open-minded as possible...both politicals are seeing the water issue from almost the same prpospective. The opposition, while in power, did accomplish a lot of gains for the island...they lost the last election simply because the people wanted a change. The new leadership is being pushed in an economic situation that forces it to find new ways to raise revenue...thus forcing it to increase taxes and water rates in various ways...they all have good intents, just different strategies or approaches to achieving the end result. Personally, I think Dr. Keith Mitchell, irrespective of his mistakes/shortcomings, has done a lot to improve the infrastructure and economics of the island-Grenada. The present administration, simultaneously, is doing the its utmost best to continue to build on what was already done-coninue to improve the economis and infrastructure of the island.
00By: Damond
3/27/2010 7:29:04 PM
While visiting Grenada in December 2009, it grieved my heart to see a grown man in his 40s sitting under a running standpipe for hours having a bath. If the the poor are the ones who are not fearing well under the water restriction and constraint uages, should the government be blamed for the increase in water rates, or should the people be more mindful and considerate in the manner in which they consume or wate the water? Though I think the increase is too high and should have gone through a gradual hike process, I do think the people have a responsiblity to ensure the consumption of water becomes everyone's business...people need to be considerate in the way they use water. They need to monitor taking showers, washing dishes, laundry, etc...we need to go back to the good old days when dishes were properly soaped and washed in a container of water and then rinsed off in another container of clean water...when our bodies were thoroughly soaped down before being rinsed off. If we were environmentally consciencious back then, why not today? Conservation must be encouraged. The issue is not a political concern, but an environmental and humanistic emergency. In stead of blaming each other for the water problem which is a global issue, why do you try to help each other conserve and preserve whatever little water we have?
00By: Damond
3/27/2010 7:15:36 PM
Ricky my educated nnp friend i am not blind nor deaf yes the NDC have been in power not quite two years as yet and yes you are right they should be getting on with the job of rebuilding grenada from (1)(IVAN) (2) Emily) and (3) the nnp and yes it is going to be a hard slog Grenada will need all the help it can get (hornest)help from its friends in the develope world in the rebuilding of our country and finally, Mr Ricky you may not like my postings but i will continue to put the other side and it is called freedom of speech as long as GC let me and that i dont cross the line.
00By: gabe
3/26/2010 10:01:15 AM
Gabe, are you deaf or blind? The opposition has offered alternatives as to what could have been done. Is this the way you want your government to perform? Go back and blame NNP for everything? Get it into your skull, Gabe, NDC is in charge of the country and the buck stops with them!!! They had a long time to adjust, they are now almost two years on office!! I say, IT IS TIME TO DO THE WORK THE PEOPLE PUT YOU THERE TO DO!!
00By: Ricky
3/25/2010 6:29:46 PM