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ST. GEORGE'S, September 6, 2008 – The Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition is compelled to call upon the Government of Grenada to respond with urgency to the cries of the people of this Nation who have been complaining that their financial suffering has increased dramatically since the new Government assumed office. The social safety programmes provided by the New National Party Government have been put on hold, which has resulted in depriving the most vulnerable persons in our society of urgently needed assistance. The voucher programmes that provided uniforms, school books (for secondary schools), transportation and milk and food are no longer available to families in dire need. Road works and construction have ground to a halt, putting significant pressure on construction companies, suppliers and their employees: Many of whom were working on a daily paid rate and are now without income at all without warning or notice. Activity among the foreign investors has slowed, and in some cases stopped, causing lay-offs and loss of revenues for workers, suppliers and even bus operators who used to bring those workers to their places of employment. Store owners are complaining about reduced sales resulting in hardships for their businesses and employees. The house repair programme has been put on hold, leaving families waiting for much needed assistance unable to repair their homes with repairs still waiting to start as well as some very uncomfortable circumstances where roof repair projects for example have been stopped in-progress causing great discomfort for them. There was also a programme that provided rent assistance valued approximately between $400-500 a month for families waiting to move into the housing projects sponsored by the Chinese and Venezuelan Governments. This rental assistance provided the only means available to these families for one of the most basic human needs – shelter. Bus operators are reporting a decline in the number of customers riding their busses as people try to reduce costs by travelling on essential trips only, which is now making it more difficult for bus operators to manage with the soaring cost of fuel. The Leader of the Opposition would like to remind the Government of Grenada that every dollar invested in the social safety net programmes now on hold provided trickle down effects in Grenada's economy, and the removal of this social spending is impacting a cross-section of society that goes far beyond the immediate beneficiaries of the programmes. The extent of this problem is highlighted by the overwhelming number of cries for help the Opposition has received in recent week, causing terrible concern about the plight of Grenadians. Therefore like to extend an invitation to the Government of Grenada to put partisanship aside to work to assist them in any way possible to immediately address these urgent needs before the consequences of failing to do so spiral beyond control. Office of the Opposition Inside Grenada News


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123456789101112 Pgs
it is quite clear to me ,why kcm have to continue telling all these lies ,because there are still people who believe in him , regardless to all the evediene of his corruption , the new government is only there for at least two months ,and here he is trying to play victim,and pretending to care for the entire country , when for 13 years he had only care of himself and some of his surporters .for those who you who still believe in his lies ,with no money in the treasury , what do you want the government to do ,continue piling up debt ,or try to bring things where it is more manageable .there was no bipartisan for 13 years ,all at once ,same hyprocrite , lying coniving selfish dictator ,is calling for that now ,i honestly think that will be best for the country , but not until all the bad apples are gone ,home or jail ,
00By: francis
9/7/2008 2:13:39 PM
The new government has only being in power for a couple months and already everyone is calling for their heads.I think its too early to start making judgements,and we must all remember that we were the ones that put them in power.Give them a chance to fix things before we start passing judgement.
00By: The Man
9/7/2008 1:51:03 PM
At this time in our history, the need for pointing fingers,should be put aside, because it manufacture no tangables positves.This nation economy is in peril and we need a bypartisan effort to solve our economic problem. We all love Grenada, and we should do what is necessary to push it forward.
00By: derick
9/7/2008 11:51:22 AM
I knew that we went from bad to worse.The NDC government is all talk and no action.They wanted power so bad and now they are messing up some good social programs.Shame on you Tillman and your cronnies,the NNP understood the social fabric which helps people.The time will come when Grenadians will pinch themselves and see if they are alive.You have made a mistake,we are making backward steps.No progress,only complains,excuses and cheap talk.We need some life in Grenada again.Come to our rescue DR.You made mistakes but you were the best under you we saw improvement and a progresive Grenada.
9/7/2008 11:16:13 AM
we are not living in China or North Korea where people have no freedom of speech. The NDC had enough to say when they were in opposition, the NNP is now occupying that position and they should have equal right to comment on what is going on. Put the politics aside. Is what the opposition saying not in the best interest of all Grenadians? Is Keith giving good or bad advice?
00By: Marva
9/7/2008 9:50:08 AM
SAM, were you not one of the persons calling on the past government to do more and more? Well, the shoe is now on the other foot, let us see this government perform. Already, they have increased the size of the ministries and engaged in pork-barrel spending. Again, governments don't pile up monies in the treasury, they invest in short and long term ventures and use it do improve infrastructure, pay increased salaries, improve health services and a wide range of other services that government is expected to perform. By laying off workers, they are increasing the level of unemployment and this in turn can lead to an increase in criminal activities because the cost of living keeps going up and people have to survive and feed their families. There is change for the better and change for the worst. Grenadians asked for change, I guess we have to wait and see which type we will get.
00By: Patriot
9/7/2008 9:45:02 AM
00By: Tired
9/6/2008 7:01:32 PM
keith its time you shut up 13 years and did not do a better job.The government says no money in the treasury and you can,t assure us that there were .One cant,t live on overdraft
00By: sam
9/6/2008 6:42:57 PM