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ST. GEORGE'S, September 6, 2008 – The Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition is compelled to call upon the Government of Grenada to respond with urgency to the cries of the people of this Nation who have been complaining that their financial suffering has increased dramatically since the new Government assumed office. The social safety programmes provided by the New National Party Government have been put on hold, which has resulted in depriving the most vulnerable persons in our society of urgently needed assistance. The voucher programmes that provided uniforms, school books (for secondary schools), transportation and milk and food are no longer available to families in dire need. Road works and construction have ground to a halt, putting significant pressure on construction companies, suppliers and their employees: Many of whom were working on a daily paid rate and are now without income at all without warning or notice. Activity among the foreign investors has slowed, and in some cases stopped, causing lay-offs and loss of revenues for workers, suppliers and even bus operators who used to bring those workers to their places of employment. Store owners are complaining about reduced sales resulting in hardships for their businesses and employees. The house repair programme has been put on hold, leaving families waiting for much needed assistance unable to repair their homes with repairs still waiting to start as well as some very uncomfortable circumstances where roof repair projects for example have been stopped in-progress causing great discomfort for them. There was also a programme that provided rent assistance valued approximately between $400-500 a month for families waiting to move into the housing projects sponsored by the Chinese and Venezuelan Governments. This rental assistance provided the only means available to these families for one of the most basic human needs – shelter. Bus operators are reporting a decline in the number of customers riding their busses as people try to reduce costs by travelling on essential trips only, which is now making it more difficult for bus operators to manage with the soaring cost of fuel. The Leader of the Opposition would like to remind the Government of Grenada that every dollar invested in the social safety net programmes now on hold provided trickle down effects in Grenada's economy, and the removal of this social spending is impacting a cross-section of society that goes far beyond the immediate beneficiaries of the programmes. The extent of this problem is highlighted by the overwhelming number of cries for help the Opposition has received in recent week, causing terrible concern about the plight of Grenadians. Therefore like to extend an invitation to the Government of Grenada to put partisanship aside to work to assist them in any way possible to immediately address these urgent needs before the consequences of failing to do so spiral beyond control. Office of the Opposition Inside Grenada News


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Morn Mr Outsider why are you having a go at roots look roots is cool and come to think of it is also an educated person and the reason for me saying this is that you only have to look at everything we grow on this lovely island of ours and what do you find in the ground-roots-so you can see that ROOTS is no dumb fool roots is smart ,came to think of it the person who sometimes confuses me is my good friend the missing Mr Hangman i hear that he has been given a job/post at the university of havard the same one that my other good friend the ex pm went to so fellow grenadians we had better watch out mr hangman could be the next pm, than may the lord helps us so i say please mr hangman please dont go we need your expert contributions on this site,things will not be the same without you,dont go.
00By: gabe
9/26/2008 6:39:03 AM
Has anyone heard from Hangman someone saw him looking unhappy going up happy hill(LOL) they say he wants his visa to leave this place for greener pastures because grenadians are not as nice as before I don't know if its true so I buy so I sell.
00By: chery
9/26/2008 5:33:29 AM
Observer what do you know you look like you are a fortune teller to know so much wnat read my palm since you know all my business so much? You really briss Mr Observer No you stay from this forum right you look like you possesive of me to tell me waht to do. No one tells roots what to do you are a very possesive person who thinks the world just revolves around you big Ego? since you mentioned me I thought why not give you a look up this forum is boring without roots.
00By: roots
9/26/2008 5:28:53 AM
Observer you crazy you and you tounge I don't want to go to America to corrupt my good mind leave me alone right? Why don't you go there as a shield to block bullets in afganistan? why me maybe you could volunteer for frontline.
00By: roots
9/26/2008 5:21:55 AM
Witheld well said,this bone head has no idea of or about grenada.She can stay in the USA and help with thier problems.Economy,crimes,wars ect.She has no idea what today is.Opening her big mouth is her trade mark.Empty barrels make the most noise.We had enough of you stay away from this forum.Nobody cares about you,big mouth,airhead.
9/24/2008 10:18:48 PM
I don't think roots really care I bet she lives overseas and carry a passport that is not a grenada one too she must be want to see how those people in grenada really is their mind set dont trust roots I feel she/he is a sly fox.
00By: witheld
9/24/2008 2:12:07 PM
I donot need roots education.Someone that is pro NDC cannot see futher than thier nose.I will learn from anyone that has a open mind and give praised where due.All the writting of roots was negative of the NNP and positive of NDC.I cannot trust her to be objective.She swears as a fish vendor.Grenada could be a better place without her.As for the books i am proud the government did the right thing.Our young minds cannot be played with for political reasons.I hope and pray for a Grenada where everyone will have equal oppertunity,regardless of political afflication.One love Grenadians.
00By: Outsider
9/24/2008 1:48:56 PM
Dear mr Ron i think you should have some faith, well just a little you see i have and that is why i believe that this government will and cannot make the same mistakes that the previous party did when they were in power because grenada just wont be able to cope with this type of behaviour and that is why i am sure that this government will learn from the mistakes that was made by the previous party,and be positive and transparent in all their dealings both at home and abroad so mr Ron rest assured and be positive .
00By: gabe
9/24/2008 11:20:27 AM
The programs start again.I hope it remains after they come from thier tour with thier pockets fill.The truth offends,gangstars were there in previous government and stole and jump ship.What goes around comes around.You are warned.
00By: Ron
9/24/2008 8:51:02 AM
get out of your little comfort zone new york and see the other states In america, as soon as you realise that there are other places your eyes will open You all sound like you dont live in grenada each one of you not just one person here.(LOL)
00By: witheld@aol
9/24/2008 8:33:54 AM