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The Grenada Patient Kidney Foundation (GPKF) has received a sizeable donation from Renwick Thompson & Co. Ltd. On Saturday April 17, 2010, Mr. Andrew Bierzynski, Director of Renwick Thompson, presented a cheque valued at EC$9,000.00 to President of the Foundation, Candia Alleyne at the La Sagesse Playing Field. The donation to the foundation is part of an initiative (launched in January 2010) by Renwick Thompson to raise EC$100,000 for the GPKF to assist kidney patients to access expensive but vital, life-saving dialysis treatment. The funds are raised from the sale of specially marked Lysol products – which is distributed by the company – the sale of jerseys and a series of walks around the country. They have teamed up with other corporate partners and the first walk was held in St. George’s back in the month of January. The second walk took place on Saturday April 17, 2010 in the parish of St. David’s, from Crochu to the La Sagesse Playing Field. The third walk is scheduled to take place in the parish of St. Andrew’s on May 16, 2010. Ms. Candia Alleyne, who was also a participant in the walk, thanked the corporate sponsors for their assistance in providing financial support to the kidney patients.


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Stallion my friend i too is pleased that we grnadians are putting our hands together in praised and thanks to thoes who is doing it for grenada and our people in spiceisle and as have said before there are times we may not always agree some political matters but when it comes down to it we are grenadians and we are one people who want the best and good for our country and once again i say a big thank you to thoes people/positive things coming our way. one love
00By: gabe
4/28/2010 6:04:26 AM
good job renwick and is rather a pleasure to hear good news once in a while.
00By: stallion
4/27/2010 2:09:26 PM