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CATEGORY:EDUCATION --------------------- INSIDE GRENADA TUESDAY September 04,2007 by Wallace J.A GRENADA: While some of the nation’s students returned to their classrooms yesterday, after a long summer break, others were not that fortunate. Some children will have their vacation extended because their schools are not completely ready to accommodate them. The Boca Secondary School and the Hillsborough Secondary School are scheduled to re-open on September 10, 2007 (next week Monday). In the case of the Grenada Boys’ Secondary School (GBSS), orientation will be held during the course of this week for students of different forms in the school. The TA Marryshow Community College (TAMCC) is expected to open its doors today and tomorrow for the purpose of orientation. This will be for the first-time students of the college who are doing some of the programs that the center offers. The school with the greatest setback, however, seems to be the St. Andrew’s Anglican Secondary School (SAASS), which is one of the largest secondary learning institutions on the island. The school has a student population of well over 750. Work on the renovation/ refurbishment of the school, which was severely damaged by the passage of Hurricane Ivan in 2004, commenced around June of this year and is expected to continue for a long time - possibly up to February of next year. At present, the SAASS workmen seem to be fighting desperately to have the roof of the building covered and back in place. Yesterday, the staff and students of the school had to turn-out for a special assembly at the RC Church in Grenville. During this special assembly, students were informed that they will have to remain at home a little longer, possibly until September 24. Meanwhile, the dedicated staff of the school is trying hard to see what sort of arrangements could be made to enable them to work along with the Form 5 students of the school who are expected to write their CSEC examinations next year. In spite of the numerous inconveniences and consequential difficulties the staff and students had to face since the passage of the 2004 monster hurricane, the school has still been able to hold its end and perform with reasonable success at the CXC/ CSEC examinations.


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12 Pgs
I cant believe this crap still happens in Grenada.I had not heard one thing about this on Grenada's tv and radio station.It seems to me that if you not from's,then you not from Grenada.I hope SAASS wins all the athletic events this year to show everyone that you might be down but you not out.Shame on you GBN and the rest of the media that did not put this on the forefront.
00By: John a.k.a. stallion
9/4/2007 3:47:33 PM
This kind of things makes me want to cry. Not one word on this from the media, this is biasness. But wait,What sweet in goat mouth, sour in e bam bam. SAASS is the school that will make this country proud and they already started.
00By: past student
9/4/2007 8:27:59 AM don't mean to laugh ex-student but GBN is really ST. George's Broadcasting Network...St. George's is Grenada to them. Sorry for SAASS and the students...hold strain guys, things should get better.
00By: Liz
9/4/2007 8:15:49 AM
So what the a$$ is this now? Is this a damn joke or something? Why is SAASS getting this treatment? Since 2004 for christ's sake...all other schools back to normal now ..and the bad thing is you not hearing anything over GBN about it. As usual, they showing how biased they are towards town schools!!! I am really pissed off!!!!
00By: ex-student
9/4/2007 8:12:03 AM