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It was widely reported throughout the State of Grenada that Honorable Tillman Thomas is a nice man, a man of very high principles, good morals and a God fearing person. While this maybe so, there were others who doubted his leadership ability; to keep his very young and more eloquent colleagues in line, and to get them to operate in a very honorable manner. Despite these concerns, the people gave the benefit of the doubt to him. But, have we all being deceived? Generally speaking, more Grenadian accepted the wind of change that was blowing over the spice island. And while some had reservations in Honorable Tillman Thomas ability to deliver his campaign promises of Transparency, Integrity, Accountability and Good Governance, the majority of the population gave him the mandate on July 8th 2008. For one, the people were tired of the constant pronouncement from the opposition that the New National Party Government was corrupt. And once and for all, they gave to them the opportunity to clean up the country. Today, it is very discomforting when you see and hear the things our government is presently involved in. In did, it joggles the mind of the people from all levels of the society. The people bought into the anti corruption campaign of the NDC and could not in any stretch of the imagination believe our government will get itself involved in any corrupt deals. When the news broke, that the junior minister for culture in the Prime Minister’s office, Senator Arley Gill was involved in an alleged corrupt deal in which the people’s National Stadium was given to Tempo free of Charge for three years among other things; The people looked on with great anticipation to see how the Prime Minister Honorable Tillman Thomas will handle it. It was all well and good to accuse the former government of corruption, but when you are seeing it among those who were the accuser it leaves you to wonder. What is even disturbing is the allegation that the deal was a secret arrangement which was made unknowing to the Cabinet. Well, the fowl that the NDC was constantly calling has now come home to roost in their camp. When we call to remembrance the pronouncements of the Prime Minister while in opposition that his government will be one that “”will deal with the people in an open manner and that there will be no secret deals.” Seeing this alleged corruption is very close to him, everyone expected him to jump at it disassociating himself from it completely. But what was very strange, and still hard to comprehend, is the response of our Prime Minister Honorable Tillman Thomas to a reporter’s question that this is a private matter he has no comments. What a response. Has the Prime Minister forgotten his promise to the people of transparency, no secret deals and dealing with them in an open manner? Or was it a case of another politician saying anything to get into office? The Prime Minister must know that the National Stadium belongs to the people, and that any deals about its use; is their business. I call on the Prime Minister, Honorable Tillman Thomas to treat the people with dignity and report to them on what is the state of affairs with their National Stadium and the deal made by Senator Gill. By Pastor Winston Garraway (The views and opinions expressed in the above article represents those of the writer and not necessarily those of the Grenadian Connection staff).


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Gabe, as I have said to you before, you are not living in Grenada and cannot feel the pain nor hear the cry or being asked by a senior citizen to give them a bus fare or to give them something to eat. So don't try to make the readers here believe you reside in my home land. I am here and I know what is going on. The putting down of the Prime Minister as you say, look at it closely, every thing I have written about PM Hon. Tillman Thomas is the truth. The Prime Minister must speak the truth. Unlike you, I believe we have to lead our children by setting a very good example before them. The actions of our Prime Minister is not doing that, therefore I will have to continue to call on him until he change his ways. I have been dealing with young people for over two decades and I know how much they look up to leaders. Yes I have an agenda, and for now its about Justice, honesty, integrity,speaking the truth with sincerity,protecting the children etc. Magic Johnson said recently,he is going to the White House to speak to president Obama on behalf of the colored marginalize people because their needs are not looked after. He said he will be their voice. Joan and Veronica I believe you will condemn him to.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/11/2010 10:12:29 AM
Good morning Veronica and Joan and to all our people in spice isles who i believe have a more caring and understanding of our current problem in our beloved grenada i say this because whenever i read the various posting on GC and take a close look at for example the posting of The Pastor and his constant down talking of this government and in particular our PM it brings to mind of someone who has a dongerous agenda and what makes it worse it this say pastor is suppose to be a man of the cloth and as Joan or Veronica said in their posting Where was the blessed Pastor during the reign of the previous government was he as critical of their behaviour and in particular the former PM and some of his minister for example why was the then former finance minister of st patrick who is now a senator remove from his post by the then PM also what was the outcome of the police officer who was caught spying on one of the NDC meeting and who was then paraded and quote (doing his job),also i quote when the former PM was quoted as saying the dammed money is mine, my question is where was the blessed Pastor and his posting where was the man of the people as his makes out to be thats why again i ask what is the blessed pastor and his congregation doing to help the very poor and needy in our country or are you just another political christian waiting for the revolution .
00By: gabe
2/11/2010 6:24:14 AM
Now you keep quoting the bible and you are keep missing the point. Can you understand that Veronica and others just wanted to know where were you when the previous government was at times not doing the right thing. In your previous email you acknowledged that you kept quiet well that's ok. No one ask about your job record and no one is saying you should keep quiet...if you have not got another life you can continue to be our spokesperson as Veronica said go on get on with it then!!! I have better things to do with my time so I wont be responding to you anymore. I think you will never understand that we are not saying you should keep quiet.
00By: Joan
2/11/2010 4:38:56 AM
Hello Ms. Veronica, you must be true to your self at all times. Are you saying if someone else was to talk about it, that would have been ok? We must remember, there is a problem here that needs ventilating. But this reminds me of an issue in the bible. Jesus came preaching and because he did not come through nor supported the established system the leaders incited the people to criticized him and then later killed him. You are behaving just as the people back then. But as I have said before, I am about my fathers business and I will not allow anyone to stop me. In addition to this, prior to the elections, we had a very vocal media association, a vocal watch dog committee, and other vocal entities who criticized the NNP for every thing even on accusations. However, they have all gone to sleep even when the people are being abused by the NDC. The year started with the Pregnant single mother of six (6) whose house was broken down, then we had 17 ladies on MBIA sent home and their jobs given to others, Now senior citizens and disabled. Someone has to stand up for them. The bible ask us to do that. "He that lend to the poor lend to God" the bible says. Hence I will continue to be a voice for those who don't have one.
00By: Pastor Garraway
2/10/2010 8:54:03 AM
I have not missed the point and yes you are the issue because you stayed quiet during the previous government mismanagement. Grenadains at home and abroad want what is best for our country. You think you are the spokesperson for us- ok get on with it. I know what Mr Tillman said and what they are doing they will pay at the next election. Grenadains can make their own mind up. I dont need your lectures. You think you alone listen to the news. I just wanted to know why you stayed quiet for so long
00By: veronica
2/8/2010 2:17:42 PM