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A recent initiative my members of the Special Services Unit (SSU) of the Royal Grenada Police Force (RGPF) to promote health and fitness among the population and at the same time, foster a better working relationship with the public has come under criticism from some health and fitness clubs in the south of the country because it has affected them financially. The SSU program required interested persons to purchase a jersey valued at about EC$20 and get the chance to work out with the unit at two centers: Point Salines and Pearls. According to Cpl. Mike Modeste, a fitness trainer with the SSU, approximately 500 persons have become part of the fitness program, much to the chagrin of some health and fitness clubs that have seen many of their clients opting for the free workouts with the Lawmen. The head trainer of the Body and Soul Fitness Club at the Spiceland Mall has lost many of its clients to the SSU program. He commented on the fact that they had to pay Value Added Tax (VAT) and other overheads and could understand why people would want to go for a free fitness workout instead of paying at the gym. He has contemplated offering discounts and offering other incentives to get back some of his lost clients. Mr. Shane Joseph of the Body Image Fitness Club also mentioned that he had lost a few members of his club to the SSU health & Fitness Workout, but opined that people will still have to come back to the gym to do their weight training and their strength workouts. It is believed that the cost of working out at a gym can be as high as Ec$150.00 per month. This would explain why so many persons, who do not have the money to go to one of these gyms would avail themselves of the opportunity to get a free workout with the Lawmen. According to Cpl. Mike Modeste, many of the persons have started losing weight and have already started improving their personal health and well-being. Exercise is one of the ways of helping to keep sicknesses like hypertension, diabetes, obesity and other systemic conditions at bay and is linked to good health and productivity. Whether the SSU will be allowed to continue their health and fitness workout with the public remains to be seen.


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Think It's an Awesome Public Relation Step and Should be allowed to continue and Improve ,so long as the SSU is aware at all times that it would give others causes to have a different view if their profits are decreasing. The Intent is there, now to continue under pressure and Please do not give in to said pressure from ANYONE.(Carry-On)
00By: Victor
4/27/2010 6:51:39 AM