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Dear Editor, I just wish to express my utter and complete disgust with the indecorous, arrogant, condescending and asinine way in which our Prime Minister, Hon. Tillman Thomas (a man who was elected to serve the people of this beautiful country) conducted himself - at a recent press briefing held to discuss signing of the Maritime Border Treaty between Grenada and Trinidad - after being asked a ‘simple, straightforward question’ by a young journalist. I also wish to express very grave concerns over the role of the local media in this country in light of the overt, parochial reactions of three well-known senior journalists, who have always been perceived as having ‘very fraternal’ relations with the ruling National Democratic Congress (NDC) administration. As sure as day follows night, however, they were seemingly uncovered for what they truly are during the press conference when they reacted in what I will describe as an 'out of the ordinary' manner when the young journalist solicited a ‘pertinent’ response from our Prime Minister – a response that thousands of Grenadians would have liked to hear from Hon. Tillman Thomas. It will be a truly dark day for democracy in this country if the media were to become polluted with political bias and its critical role subverted, contorted and twisted to fit the narrow, insular objectives of a few who exercise undue influence in that realm. Let me warn Grenadians here, that if we ‘play stupid’ and do not bolt the stable whilst the horses are inside, then we will have hell to pay when the horses are out of the stable. A word to the wise is sufficient! Now, back to our Prime Minister. The Trinidad Opposition has expressed concerns over the signing of this treaty because they claim that it was done in haste by Prime Minister Patrick Manning and there was not sufficient time for consultation with the Trinidadian people with respect to how the potential hydro carbon deposits in the area is dealt with. Not only that, but the signing of the treaty has taken place at a time when the Trinidadian Parliament has been dissolved in preparation for general elections! Whether the treaty signing was legal or illegal will no doubt be challenged in Trinidad, if not in the institutionalized Court, then certainly in the ‘Court of Public Opinion.’ Now, here in Grenada, the Opposition New National Party (NNP) has also expressed concerns over the signing of this maritime treaty – whether it is only politics playing out here or there is really a serious and grievous error being made on our part is something that will surface in the fullness of time. I am not a supporter of the opposition, but I too harbor deep concerns over what is taking place. I have heard people saying that ‘half a loaf is better than none’ but if in fact we can have the whole loaf or even three-quarter, why settle for half? The point is, the NDC administration seems to have developed a misguided mindset that the Grenadian populace is ‘dumb, illiterate and cannot fathom complicated issues’ hence the need to ‘engage in business that involves the people’ without consulting us because we will not ‘understand’ the myriad of issues that are at stake. I, Mr. Prime Minister, beg to disagree in the strongest possible way! So the young journalist said: Prime Minister, you said that umm… there isn’t any haste in signing the agreement, so after seventeen years, couldn’t your government wait probably a month or two? The Prime Minister’s response was “Wait for what? Wait for what? I am asking you, wait for what?” (And his tone was highly inappropriate, bordering on outright arrogance and irritability). When he was told by the young lady that this could have been done to ‘appease’ the people because of all the ‘controversy’ going on the Prime Minister responded by saying that there was no controversy but ‘a few politicians making some noise…what is the controversy?’ Now, after looking at the video of the incident on the World Wide Web, I noticed that signs were being made by at least two of the journalists in the direction of the person asking the Prime Minister the question. I was not present and I hope it was not an instruction to take the mic away from the young lady. If that was the case, God forbid, then I think we have gone clear in this country because the institution that has been making noise over the years about ‘freedom of expression’ and the ‘freedom of the press’ will be guilty of denying one of its own the same rights that they so ‘vehemently’ fought for over the years. But as I said, I was not there and I could be wrong and I do not know that to be a fact. It sure seems to me that my Prime Minister is not really in touch with what is happening on the ground because there is a lot of public discussion about the ‘haste’ with which the signing took place and the lack of adequate public consultation, and it is not among politicians but among simple every day folks. There are also a lot of discussions in Trinidad, and the treaty signing is sure to become a campaign issue in their elections! The young lady asking Prime Minister Thomas the question was ‘on the ball’, fearless, and was not playing any political games and my heart goes out to her. Right now, there is a desperate need for journalists of her caliber in Grenada. To my Prime Minister I say this: You are not the master of the people, you are our servant – we elected you into office. We expect you to respect us and be ‘transparent’ and open in your dealings. You have always been talking about ‘strengthening our democratic institutions’ - this was one of your campaign mantras, remember that!! We, the VOTERS are taking note. When it was the present Opposition Leader, the press never allowed “Is me damn money” to die, but you are fortunate to have a seemingly ‘loving press’ and this will die fast. Please improve your attitude and do not become hostile with us when we call on your for answers. From: Proud to Be Grenadian (The views and opinions expressed in the above article reflects that of the writer and not necessarily that of the Inside Grenada staff).


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12 Pgs
Mr or is it Mrs Zephyr i am so pleased to know that people like youis coming out of the closset and reading my posting and in doing so uses big words to describe me (gabe and his postings) zeyphr if that is your real name man i am big enough to handle the type of names you called and as for being a nazi as you say does goes to show you own insane gutter mentality mr zeyphr i thank GCfor allowing we the people to post our comments on this site some you will side with and some you wont and my frien that is freedom of choice you pick the horse you want to ride as for me i will always put my side of the coin for we cannot be right all the time yes there are times when i may make a bad judgement but alsa not the judgement of a friend over the years here in grenada we have had people like you who think that they are smart,the ones who talk fancy but is gutless the ones who shout down people because they think that they are more educated than the others my friend i have met some of you smart for uncle Tilly behaviour with the journalist are you not the same people who says that uncle Tilly is soft in the belly with no guts now when he answer s back to his doubters everyone gets on the bandwagon and say he is out of order well were these same like you saying the same thing when KCM was rubbishing anyone who dare to question him mr zephyr please wake up and come out of the jungle this is 2010 and i say this lets give uncle Tilly a chance and if he fails us we can then Kick his Bunch out by the ballot box and only the ballot box,until then let freedon reign.As for Mr Stallion many thanks for your input but as zephyr shows not all who says that they are educated is educated .
00By: gabe
4/27/2010 10:09:22 AM
Irrespective of the present prime minister's behavior as expressed in the latter article, I'll have to admit we have come a long way in reference to "Freedom of Expression. Freedom of the Press" and evidence of a growing demand and hope to hasten the society of openness that every human being has a right to....looking back to the Gairy through NNP periods, we have sure come a long way. Nevertheless, we've yet a long way to go. Under the Gairy and Bishop's administrations people were ostracised and persecuted in various ways...denied employment, social services, freedom of speech, forcefully removed from their families and villages/homes in the middle of the night, bitten and jailed without due process, denied their constitutional rights, voices were silenced, sights were sanctioned to coverup and misconstrued and misrepresent the true fact. Under the past elected/nonelectic adminstrations...PRG, GNP, NNP and NDC administrations many civil workers were harrassed, intimidated, forced out of jobs and denied employment on the basis of their political affiliations....we have come a long way. The PM's public outburst and negative reaction or behavior, and the media ability to report on his inappropriate reaction toward the media/jourbalist shows growth in the right direction. Dr. Keith has had many and harsher public outburst that the present PM, but we can duly say that there's improvement. Things will get better...the action of the journalist and public outcry that the people will nolonger stand idly by and allow those in power to verbally abuse the public trust. We have come a long way! Values and principles must always take precedence.
00By: damond
4/27/2010 2:06:26 AM
Well said Zephyr.
00By: Observer
4/26/2010 4:23:37 PM
Stallion, I am sorry if the message came across as if I were blamng Gabe for the holocaust because he was not alive as yet I am sure - what I meant was that people who think that way (not wanting to recognize that things are wrong) stood by and allowed these rrible things to happen. My point being that when good people do not stand up and condemn leades for wongdoings and demand higher standards from them - irrespective of who they are - then they can get out of hand in time and do terrible things. So it was an analogy and not an attack on Gabe himself, but on people who support bindly and make excuses for wrongdoins.
00By: Zephyr
4/26/2010 2:26:02 PM
zephyr,it is ok to have a nice quality debate.but you have gone too far about gabe being responsible for the holocaust.that is a rather ridiculous statement to make.i beleieve you owe gabe an is alright to be passionate but not with ridiculous statements.
00By: stallion
4/26/2010 1:42:51 PM