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Policemen attached to the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) are investigating the circumstances leading to the death of Andy Charles, a 30 year old resident of Simon, St. Andrew’s. It is alleged that Charles and his girlfriend had a quarrel sometime Monday night and his girlfriend went to spend the night at a friend’s house. The lifeless body of Charles was found hanging in a bedroom of the house on Tuesday morning. It is believed that policemen have picked up Charles girlfriend and another man for questioning. A post mortem is expected to be conducted sometime today to determine the actual cause of death.


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HERE IS THE WOMAN I HUNGER & THIRST AFTER: The content of character is irresistible. She is intelligent, compassionate, empathetic, great communicator (listens and speaks when need be, positive individual who builds other sense of selfworth, confident, respectful, hardworking, well-put together...she has an appealing presence. She is God fearing! Like any moral person, the Christian (not religious-spiritually connect to the Almghty...she real. Not FAKE) woman has an obligation to represent the code of ethics that guides her behavior. A Christian woman is endowed with inherent feminine charm that is characteristic of the female person. She uses this to attract the male of her specie. She acts with grace and decor. She displays a sense of confidence, competence, and assurance that depicts and appeals. She is pleasant to be around. She is sensitive to the needs of others. She is nurturing and caring. While she competes with all other women for male attention, she is tolerant and respectful of all. She is constructive, productive and honest. She is self-respecting. She has good self-esteem. She lives up to the principles of purity. She protects and preserves her virginity for marriage. She acts appropriately in the presence of all people, not just males. She loves people and is responsive to hurt, pain and injustice. She is well groomed. She is neat and takes pride in her appearance without being gaudy. She has a dress code but is not inappropriately trendy. She strikes the middle ground. She speaks softly and calmly, but yet is assertive. Being sexually attractive is not only physical, but involves the whole person. She establishes boundaries and commands respect. She advocates for good moral behavior and is a good role model for young people in general, but young women in particular. THAT'S MYYPE OF WOMEN...AN ENVY OF EVERY MAN!
00By: damond
6/12/2010 8:32:56 AM
Corrections...forgot to proofread "MAN FOUND HANGING IN HOUSE AT SIMON, ST. ANDREW'S" IS A NATIONAL CRISIS AND CRY FOR HELP. WHY RELATIONSHIP FAILS: because some of us are immature and lack the social coping skills...why couldn't this young man just walked message he could have sent her... immaturity is one of the reasons for failed relationships.
00By: damond
6/12/2010 8:19:37 AM
"MAN FOUND HANGING IN HOUSE AT SIMON, ST. ANDREW'S" IS A NATIONAL CRISIS AND CRY FOR HELP. WHY RELATIONSHIP FAILS: because we immature and lack the social coping skills...why couldn't this young man just walk message he could have sent her... immaturity is one of the reasons for failed relationships. While it is hard to put an age on maturity, since some people mature faster than others, it is advisable to focus on the developmental tasks at each stage of one’s development. When a girl/boy matures and is ready for dating, it is expected that she/he has finished high school and is achieving life skills. This may mean that he/she is in college or some other learning or working environment where he/she is acquiring some skills that will prepare him/her to be self-sufficient, self-reliant, and independent. A relationship cannot last on passion only "Show Me The Money...demonstrate your ability to earn a domesticated you are (both sexes) spiritual you social and communication me what financial management skills you've got...can I trust you with my pay check...access to my savings...your earning skills...if am sick would you be able to hold the forth-keep up with the bills... Many young people get passionate about each other and will elope so they can get married if they feel unsupported. It is advisable that they think carefully about their future. It takes two mature people who are ready to take on the responsibilities of a family in order to successfully negotiate a relationship. We must move away from the tradition: You're the man. You are responsible for taking care of me and my extended family's basic financial needs. In order to take on the responsibility of a family you need a job or preferably a career. Life is hard enough for couples with dual careers, let alone couples that are less able to meet the emotional and economic needs of each other. Think with your head and not just with your libido (think upstairs. Not downstairs or with what's between your legs). Choose a partner who shares your values. Look at the parents of the person you are interested in. What is their relationship like? A boy is likely to treat you the way his father treats his mother. A girl is likely to treat you the way her mother treats her father. Would your mother marry his father...would your father marry her mother? This is not to say that some children will not be able to undo the mistakes their parents made, but more often than not they are socialized by their family’s norms. A a man, I must admit that I thought I really had it myself-practice abstenance based on biblical principles, stayed in school and became an achiever...yet made terrible choices but have learned some lessons well. Think of your children (if God so desires), would this person make a good mother or a good father? This is very important to remember when cotemplating getting married...engaing in pre-marital sex...condoms do break. Are you both compatible? Make sure that person shares your values and principles (are you both socially, mentally, spiritually, educationally, financially compartible..forget about physical attraction for now...once you start having sex all that passion would wear off...think of what's left that will motivate you to want to keep this woman/man around forever). make sure they have goals and aspirations and they support yours too. Are you both prepared to live with your differences? Make sure you can tolerate each other shortcomings-compromise must be mutual. What of your in-laws? What kind of people are they? Do they have strong family values? Some in-laws, especially from our little island can really be a detriment to some long as you can give them long as they can walk all over you you are the best son-of-dumb-idiotic-son-law, brother-in-law, nephew-in-law, etc...but fail to give-in to their demand...boy, oh'll be the worst person their family member could have marry...yes, I am prejudice here because I have only dated Grenadian...causing why I am branching out. A relationship needs all the right elements to begin with, the person your spouse is before the marriage is what he/she is likely to be after the wedding. People do not change drastically after the wedding, if anything they get complacent. It's very sad to say that some of our Grenadian women (men too) do not get it. They are so gullible...a returnee-man may be visiting (Grenada)from England, USA, Canada and elsewhere can easily fool them into leaving their husband or boy friend for a few days of sex and money. In fact, some of them will dump their the ones who have being for years with them...fighting it out through thick and thin. No morals. No principle. No self pride. No sense of self-worth. Low self-esteem. I am being bias here because the low self degrading practice is more common among our women. In fact, some of them would rather risk their lives (contract HIV/AIDS)for a few seconds of pleasure and British/US money. I hope this does not have any relations to the man's death. ...AS MEN AND YOUNG BOYS, WE HAVE GOT TO HELP EACH OTHER TO BE STRONG.
00By: damond
6/12/2010 8:15:36 AM
Loubeth Nyack, I'd like to compliment you on your response to "Man found hanging in house at Simon, St. Andrew's" Fellow Grenadian, those of us who are privilege to read a lot and have a spiritual relationship with God are at an advantage to those who do not. Sad to say a lot of us grew up without any sense of self-worthiness and unfortunately, low self-esteem which...contributed and reinforced by family members, neighbors, friends, classmates and associates...even the brothers and sisters within the church would bring it to your attention "you're nothing." Unfortunately, some of us tend to look at the physical appearance of the individual in order to place a value of how worthy or acceptable they are in the eyes of society. It's a mis-education and bullying tactic that some of us tend to use to hide our own shortcomings. I assume this young man may have experienced this and saw no other way out...the woman he loved may have contibuted to his sense of low self-esteem and lack of how valuable and worthy he might have been to someone else. HIS ACTION ONLY REFLECTS THE NEGATIVE IMPACT A COMMUNITY AND FALSE LOVE CAN HAVE ON ALL OF US-YOuNG AND OLD. Nevertheless, there is hope for those who will seek knowledge...according to Richard Sternberg, true love is based on a balance of three elements, commitment, intimacy and passion and I would add a fourth element, “spirituality”. There are different types of love, friendship, infatuation, empty love, romance, lustful relationships, companionship and true love. True love should be the foundation stone for any relationship. It is composed of mutual caring and trust, open communication of feelings and sensations, and of course, it involves risks. There should be respect, warmth, acceptance, trust, and understanding. True love should include: • Feeling good about each other and the relationship in good and in bad times • Treating one another with respect and courtesy • Communicating clearly and expressing affirmation • Feeling free to question each other and exploring problems • Endorsements by relatives and friends • Building each other up • Maintain a firm faith in God. SEE CONTINUATION....
00By: damond
6/12/2010 7:25:36 AM
A regular visitor to Grenada. In observation ~I find it painful to see family and friends abuse, disrespect and use each other and themselves and returnees to Grenada for material gains. Re Education on love - Love relationships may not change many but should we start with the children - Primary school, Secondary school and further education then we are on the road to new beginnings. Make love relationships part of the cirrculum. Partnership with parents - parenting education for example, child care, homecare, domestic nuturing and selfdevelopment and confidence in parents' abilities to take care of themselves and their children. 2 children will grow healther and wiser quicker than seven. For if you have one meal a day how on earth can you healthly feed seven children? Sex education Educate families and how to distinguinish between raw sex and love-relationship sex Because a man woman have sex with you it does not mean that he or she is in a love relationship with you. Each time you give your sex to a man/weoman you are giving him or her a iece of you. Sadly he or she may not care a dam. And when he or she moves on and you moves on you form a chain of broken, angry people because you have bagge of messed up emotions and frustrations. Simply put you did not get the love you thought you had why? because sex is not love. Love is stability, caring, sharing, growing, encouraging, trusting, developing each other to become what he or she was put on earth to become. Whether it is a wife, husband, doctor, priest, pastor, teacher, polit. Successful peoiple are people who were loved and brought up in a love family relationship. Learn about yourself, your weaknesses, your strength and you ability to love selflessly not selfishly. Self says what you have for me - selflessness says how can we make this work? Let discuss it. Le's see how both of us could benefit from this progect, idea, or gift. Anger management - I have come across much angry people on the island this could due to a number of reasons for example: child abused rape physical abuse rejection (by father/mother) verbal abuse by mother/father self hate lack of spirituality - not going to church on saturdays or sundays but a soul open daily talk with your divine creator. Tell him about your self and seek divine support - it's real - look at God's relationship with men and women in bibical times. If you never read the bible you are missing out - because it's full of real people who had your problems. All of the above needs to be looked at by Health, Spiritual leader and educational personnel. These personnel need to develop community programmes -in the yard, schools, church, centres, in small groups and one to one to help people to deal with their anger and develop their dreams and ambitions. Grenada is a Christian country so for the island prosperity and security live a christ-centred life not a double disturbed life. Cable television: Control needs to be put into by the Government to monitior and screen sexual and physical aggressive movies: Bring in TV license, bring in TV watch dogs -too many children and young people and ill-informed immature adults feed on this dangerous trash and then practise these in the real community of relationship with people. Music The music on the buses and radios are so fill with sex that even the children are practising what they hear. The music is so tasteless every thing is below the waist and genital-related. Honestly it does not lend to healing broken listerners in fact it stimulate them to act disrespectfully to their neighbours. The musice is so sex based. Grenada music will not be played internationnaly because it is so loaded with brutal and abusive sex messages. It is absolutely politically and emotionally incorrect. Parents (father/mother): Please look to your attitude, manners, spirituality, lifestyle - children do what they see not what you tell them. Why? Because what you are doing is so loud they cannot hear what you are saying. Live lives worthy to be copied by your children The Fashionconcious people: Use your hard earn money to develope you mind - read, if you cannot take lessons- learn a skill - dressmaking, cookery, home furnishing, farming - the hair extensions, false nails, make up; like yesterday's sex last for one night only. Money Your hard earn money spend on these things above are making foreign traders rich whilst you remain poor. In fact these traders take your money and they laugh at the stupidity of you, their customers. They then use your money to educate their children overseas, who then return to the island and you have to work for them at a very low wage. Grenada is so small that every person who put their minds to it to work themselves out of poverty, illetracy, ignorance and mental slavery. And stop this 'yes I know what you mean' No you do not know. There is no shame in saying I do not know teach me, show me I want to improve myself. Learn new ways of doing old things and become rich. Love Love your natural caribbean beauty Love - love your healthy caribbean food which we in the west pay a whole heap of money for, why? because your food is so healthy. Cook - cook at home - stay away from fast food it is so bad for your health and you do not have the finance to pay for medical bills so you die from simple curable illnesses why? Because your did not save, you did not take out health and employment insurance: instead your money went into your hair, nails, lips, hips, feet and dance hall but not your teeth. Your teeth is your health - look after it - the germs in rotten gums and teeth makes its way to you belly and you get some serious illness like cancer etc. Dear Grenadians it is because I love you that I write the above. Please do not ignore what I have said. You love yourself - take steps to end the rage, agger, early death by - murder sexual abuse. Stop: Stop before you look around to find that all your friends and children have gone to an early grave. Self help is the answer, not government help. Government do not have money. They borrow from others and they have to repay at very high interest rates - so they turn to you the citizen to payback by intriducing very high taxes to pay for your ill health, poor education, rage, murder and abuse. So take control of you mind and think before you act. You are paying a very high prize for not thinking through the steps you will take to solve issues, problems or frets. Live is great life. It's a beautiful. Life is joy.Life is how you decide to liv e it. Do not kill your life by the tings you do before the time is at hand for life to say goodbye to you. It's your life given to you by God, go on appreciate it. Remember you are created in God's image not the Media, super modle, role modle, boyfriend, manfriend or lover's image. So what will you do? Re-educate your mind. It begins with reading to gain knowledge - to gain power. Knowledge is the best weapon against poverty and ignorance. Blessings and best wishes to you who read this article. Love and peace
00By: Loubeth Nyack
6/11/2010 2:43:36 PM