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Fellow Grenadian: Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: Peace be unto the beloved of the Lord from God our Father; and our Lord Jesus Christ. I give thanks to God for your determined efforts in prays and supplication; to ensure that satan did not have his way in these elections. I believed that the true believers were up to the task, and quickly identified the problems as they declared war on the forces of darkness. But we must never become complacent, because this is just a respite. A small window of opportunity that God has given us; because this nation must repent, else as I have told you before, that it will be destroyed unless we repent. Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: It was in the week ending 22nd August 1997 in an article entitled: God's Message To Our Prime Minister, that I told the Prime Minister what the Lord had said to him: "Give your self over to me and I will take care of your enemies." Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: Because he failed to listen to God; his enemies will now take care of him. I also wrote in that article about Sir Eric Matthew Gairy. This is what I said: "He spoke a lot about God, but never gave himself over to God." Little did I know that I had written a "mini eulogy" on Sir Eric, that same week end, as the papers came out on the streets he died. Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: I further beg your indulgence on another article that I had written in week ending 27th Jan. 2006. It was entitled on the Grenada Today as: We are in trouble!!! And on the Grenada Informer as: The Axe Is Laid To the Root Of The Tree. And I Quote. "Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: My latest vision of our dear Prime Minister is not heartening. Just a few days ago; I had this vision. It would seem that I had to go to this church meeting, but I arrived late. However as I got into this building our Prime Minister was hiding in a corner. His mouth made motions as though he was speaking but there was no sound coming from it. He also gesticulated but with no voice, I could not tell. I then left and went to sit among the other persons in the group and I asked one person, Where was the scripture reading taken from? This was the reply: "Matthew chapter 3." As I read the scriptures it became very interesting to me since in a conversation with one of our pastors less than 24 hours before, I had quoted one of the verses in the same passage of scripture. "And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees; therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire. Mt. 3: 10. It would seem that from that portion of scripture that the judgment is already passed and that many people will be destroyed." (End of quote). Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: Our God was showing me many things concerning our Ex-Prime Minister in that vision; and one of them was that he would be silenced: Another was that he was cut off from effective communication with his people. And yet another was that he was "locked in Judgment." So in truth and in fact he was somewhat like Saul; cut off from communion with God and man, so we can easily say that he was on borrowed time. Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: Hours before the very Sunday, that the Ex- Prime Minister announced the election date I knew the results. It was given to me by a brother in the Lord: Christopher Moses of Woodlands. He told me that he had a dream; and that the Lord had showed him that the NDC had won the election; eleven seats to the NNP four. And I belived him, because of the spirit of discernment; and I immediately began to spread the news abroad on the job the next morning; and to any one who asked my opinion. People gave me other figures but they never settled in. The day before the elections, George Worme met me and asked, what was the position with the election? I told him: " I have already told you before: eleven –four." Brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus: I have told you in the past that I do consult with other brethren to confirm many things. I am not in the spiritual big shot business; because those of us who know our God: know very well, that there is none in the church of Jesus Christ. The church found itself in a mess because it showed little or no respect for the truth of the gospel; and God's prophets in the land. There is no doubt that the nakedness of many pastors, were exposed. If, we are to go forward; we must know who to work with, and who to listen too. Jesus said: have I not chosen twelve of you; and one of you is a devil. In short he knew the difference. By: Osborne Baptiste Inside Grenada Columnist


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123 Pgs
Jerry John i agree with you.These crackpots look for weak people to get them scared.Why not speak to his sheep that will take thier death without screaming.They are as corrup as politicans do you see the relation?
7/17/2008 11:21:41 AM
Preacher,you are a quack ,you know very little about the bible.How many politician did christ convert?Why did god speak to you and not the poitician.fool
00By: Jerry john
7/17/2008 10:20:18 AM
Do you really think god has anything to do with who wins elections?god is not bias and doesnot take sides.We should seperate church and state.The government should not support one god and one church.Every one is paying taxes the government should be neutral.As an indivual yes,you can pray to you god and to your church.The government has to represent everyone.
00By: Inclusive
7/17/2008 9:00:41 AM