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The Management and Staff of Inside Grenada News wish all viewers and visitors to our site a bright, prosperous and productive New Year. We thank you for your many visits, your valuable contributions, advice and encouragement during the past year and look forward towards your continued support. The past year has been filled with many difficulties and challenges for many, if not all of us. The effects of the economic recession have been hard-hitting and have austerely impacted many families both at home and in the Diaspora. Many persons either lost their jobs or remained unemployed throughout 2010 and towards the end of the year, it would seem that political mêlée and shenanigans in the Spice Isle stole the local and regional spotlights. It is for these reasons and more, that many of us were eager to see the end of 2010 and the commencement of a new year – because it normally promises a fresh start and a resolve to avoid making the same errors of the past. Oftentimes, however, the determination to carry through on the implementation of these resolutions proves to be but a fleeting illusion. It is in this context that the Inside Grenada staff wishes everyone to take time out for introspection and retrospection and to muster the determination and resolve needed to make this year a pivotal one for our individual as well as our collective development and progress. Sometimes, we depend on others to do for us the things that we have the ability and capacity to do ourselves. We need to believe in ourselves more and in our ability to set goals and successfully attain them. Also, the Inside Grenada staff wishes that we can all work conscientiously towards recapturing and restoring those traditional values and ethics that have molded us over the years into a loving, God-fearing people and a proud nation. In the absence of these, out country will definitely slide into an abyss of moral decadence and social apathy. We sincerely believe that Grenada is still one of the best countries in the world to visit and reside in and we have to diligently labour at keeping it that way. For 2011, let us strive towards being better persons in every facet of our lives and in the process, move this beautiful country of us forward and upward. Happy New Year everyone and may God richly bless us all!!


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