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My dear and abiding Grenadian Friends – Citizens of Grenada both at home and abroad. I bring you warm and fraternal New Year Greetings on my own behalf and on behalf of my family and the members of Her Majesty’s Opposition in Parliament. As a nation, we have faced difficult times in the past year. 2010 has indeed been a year of great challenge for many of us particularly in relation to the worsening state of our economy. It is my hope – and I know that it is the hope of many – that the year 2011 will somehow represent a new beginning for the entire nation. The end of one year and the beginning of another is always a time for reflection. We reflect on what we have done right and done wrong in the past year and the ways in which we may improve in the coming year. With the current state of affairs in our country, we need to do more of this kind of reflection and introspection both personally and as a people. This is very important if we are to chart a better way forward and have a brighter future. As Leader of her Majesty’s Opposition and as a long standing Member of Parliament, I am also giving myself to reflection on ways in which I may serve you the people better and more effectively represent your interest. I am fully aware that other members of the Opposition are doing the same so that together we can be effective in representing your interest and ensuring adherence to sound principles and the practice of good governance. I take this opportunity to encourage all Grenadians in all walks of life to engage in this kind of reflection and to consider how you may serve your country better during this year and the years to come. We are all servants and in whatever we do we contribute to the development of this country and to nation-building. Yes, we all contribute in one way or another and what this country becomes or does not become depends on all of us – every one of us. In short, whatever we do, we are an important part of the process of nation building. Let us always keep this in mind. We know the times are difficult, we know the times are hard. We also know that the situation is partly the result of lack of action and poor decision-making. But this is not the time to despair or lose faith as every day brings new promises and opportunity for a new beginning and a better future. Let us therefore commit ourselves to the task ahead. Let us be aware that with the help of the Lord we can cross every river and climb every mountain in the path to our destination. Let us know, Let us be assured that we shall overcome. Finally, may the symbolism of a New Year represent a new beginning, a rekindling of your spirit; and a renewal of your strength. May it signal a recommitment to yourself and to others to grow to develop and to serve. And may the good Lord be always with you along life’s journey. May you be enriched by his Goodness. Happy New Year


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Minister the RH leader of HM opposition the people of grenada and its tri island states also wishes you a blessed new year and sir we note your comment in paragragh 4 of your statement of intent and i am so glad to hear that you and your team will at long last be putting grenada first before self interest and party politics and while i am on this can i say to Mr John Paul if that is his name that his comment about thoes of us who challenges and question our representitives/MP on this site, are not lazy and sitting on our axxx as he says and john paul as you call yourself we all owe it to ourselves to contribute to the advancement of our country in a positive way and it quite rude of you to even think that thoes of us who comes to this channel and put forward our positive debates for and against should be describe by you as lazy axxes so john paul my advice to you is to go back to your singing together with ringo and george because it seems to me that you have had a hard days night sniffing or drinking things you should not be doing. one love.
00By: gabe
1/4/2011 10:27:32 AM