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October 4th, 2010: Members of Her Majesty’s Opposition have expressed serious concerns about the lack of clarity in relation to the electoral process and the general perception that the Government may be putting systems in place to manipulate the process. Opposition Leader, Dr. the Rt. Hon. Keith Mitchell therefore calls on the Organisation of American States to take a keen interest in the process leading up to the next general elections to ensure that the process is transparent and fair and that our democracy is preserved. Dr. Mitchell made this call when the Assistant Secretary General of the OAS, Ambassador Ramdeen paid a courtesy call on the Opposition Leader, accompanied by the local OAS Representative. Dr. Mitchell headed a three member team comprising Parliamentary Representative for St. Andrew North East Hon. Roland Bhola and former Minister for Education Ms. Clarice Charles. According to Dr. Mitchell, the Government’s decision to replace the Supervisor of election who was commended by international organisations after the last general elections, continues to be suspicious. He said it is very unusual to change a supervisor of elections before they reach retirement age or to replace that person with a junior civil servant who is known to have been a political activist. The former Prime Minister also raised concerns that the replacement of senior officers in the Electoral Office is also a cause for concern as these officers would have been needed to give support to a new supervisor. Hon. Bhola informed the meeting that he recently met with the Supervisor and is extremely troubled that there seems to be a lack of information on what is really happening with regard to the electoral process and apparent plans to make changes in the near future. He said the lack of involvement of political parties particularly the main opposition in the process also leave many unanswered question about the intention of the NDC Administration. Concerns were also raised by the former Education Minister about the lack of public education on the new system which is supposed to be implemented in October 2010 and the many challenges that this system is likely to create. The meeting concluded with a request from the Ambassador for the local Representative to hold discussions with the Supervisor of Elections in an effort to be updated on the proposed changes in the electoral process. OFFICE OF THE LEADER OF THE OPPOSITION


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1234 Pgs
we need to do some changes, if you have no property or you did not complete primary school you should not be allowed to vote too much dam ignormaous lazy doe want to work criminals voting and bringing grenada backwards and downwards this is the only way we could change the structure and get some basic fundamentals and start from square one and bring back the hangman and the gallows
00By: Littleboy
10/5/2010 10:21:22 PM
keith is a joker he and the bald headed woman look like someone scrape she head with a bottle he want to come back and give grenada away ah tell you what maybe we should sell him into slavery to china to make up and pay all the debts he created
00By: Dead Uncle Ghost
10/5/2010 10:16:28 PM
this meeting with the officials is puzzling.keith is not happy that the supervisor of election would be replaced.but keith,you are not running the country.the goverment has a right to replace someone in that position.i would hope that tillman had a reason for this replacement.but then again,asking for any explanation from tillman is asking too much.
00By: stallion
10/5/2010 9:53:56 PM
This does not make any sense here. You guys are concentrating on the properties Keith Mitchell owns in Baltimore and Brookly, and his USA citizenship. This knowledge does nothing for us. Let's focus on the issue(s) at hand. There is a leadership and accountability void in our country-Grenada. Keith Mitchell would not have tried this nonsense under Maurice Bishop. They killed him because he had the leadership ability, charisma, altruistic attitude and suport of the masses. Unfortunately, we're not going to see such characteristics in anyone in a long time to come. We must pressure Tillman Thomas, NDC and NNP, act in the best interest of the people...we can do so through the gathering of signature petitions, e-mailing of complaints in mass submission to government and ministers' websites, sit-ins and mass peaceful demonstrations before the courts, representative offices, hunger strikes, radio call order to arouse attention and force Tillman or Keith Mitchell to act in the people's interest. And those of you narrow minded Grenadians, I am not trying to inflame any civil disturbances. Our government will never act unless we employ Martin Luther King, Jr., Ghandi, Malcolm X...theories of nonviolence and by whatever means necessary to influence change. We have got to send a signal that we cannot and should not be taken for granted anymore. Power to the People!
00By: damond
10/5/2010 9:21:12 PM
Interesting Dr. Keith Mitchell...seems like the chicken has finally come home to're sounding quite desperate here...can sense the revenge you'll exercise on those who opposed would be very interesting to find out which one of Grenada's political parties, with the power and ability to influence an election outcome has not tampered with and manipulated the electoral system. I think Blaize was the only PM to have not done so. At the same time, I would not trust the OAS or ECS to monitor any election in Grenada...we have got to have outsiders who are not from the region. Grenadians have got to look elsewhere for new NNP, no NDC...GULP can be given a chance with new, young and vibrant influence from the past Gairy Boys, especially Winston WHite-the opportunitist.
00By: Damond
10/5/2010 8:39:05 PM