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Leader of Her Majesty's Opposition Dr. The Rt. Hon Keith Mitchell has sent a congratulatory message to Formula One Championship Driver Lewis Hamilton. In his note Dr. Mitchell said,”Lewis, Grenadians are very proud of you. And we know that you are proud of Grenada. You exhibit that pride by displaying the Grenada flag on your helmet to show hundreds of millions of people around the world." The text of Dr. Mitchell's address is as follows: Dear Lewis: Let me join my fellow Grenadians in offering you our heartiest congratulations on your fantastic win in the tough and prestigious Belgian Grand Prix last Sunday. I know how much that race meant to you. Your win has carved your name alongside those of former winners and previous greats. Not only have you joined the likes of Jim Clark, Juan Manuel Fangio and your all-time hero, Ayrton Senna, but you have also reclaimed the overall lead in the Formula One Championship. We hope that success will follow you in the last six races of the season and trust that you will once more, in your brief career, become World Champion of Formula One racing. That would be one of the great achievements in all sport. I watched the race with several friends and enjoyed every moment of it. I must admit that we got a scare when you ran off the track for a brief moment near the finish, but we were happy to see how well you recovered to finish the job. Lewis, Grenadians are very proud of you. And we know that you are proud of Grenada. You exhibit that pride by displaying the Grenada flag on your helmet to show hundreds of millions of people around the world. We will follow your races closely in the next few weeks and pray for your safety and continued success. God bless. Keith Mitchell


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What God cuss no man Bless, Keith Mitchel is a devil. He gave away Grenada and his soul for recognition. How much did he get in return? Why do we have to pay millions for that property back if no money were transferred?
00By: Hello Now
9/1/2010 9:02:36 AM
Former prime minister we as grenadians also congratulates Mr Hamilton on winning that race and Mr Mitchell we are also glad that at long last Mr Hamilton have decided to acknowledge that grenada is part of him now here is the crunch Mr Mitchell are you now on some mission to show our people that you care that much for Hamilton or is it because of that Deal where your last government was willing to sell grenada to the Hamilton cooperation in return that he mention grenada once or twice.Mr Mitchell please also remember that there are other True Grenadians who is also promoting our country for nothing and you should also take the time to check them out yes we all wish MrHamilton well and hope that he wins the world championship ,but why did it take him so long to get back to his roots ,something tells me that his dad may have had a word with him for once in the blood we are grenadians and grenadians we shall always be so Mr Hamilton Grenadians wish you well and be as always proud to be part of us for we are Grenadians.
00By: gabe
8/31/2010 6:04:42 AM